Promotional cover image of the 2025 Canadian Church Calendar, available for purchase at

Canadian Church Calendar

The 2025 Canadian Church Calendar is available for purchase on the Anglican Church of Canada eStore. This year, the theme of the calendar is Pathways. As has been the custom, the calendar includes a range of photos featuring our beloved churches across the country.

Order calendars   Preview the 2025 calendar (PDF)

Calendar affixed to wall with text "Your photo here" on a white background at the top of the calendar, with the bottom displaying the month date grid. "Send in your photos to the Canadian Church Calendar" is set to the left of the calendar, with a desk space shown beneath calendar and text.
Promotional graphic—free to share

Submit photos for 2026!

Anyone is welcome to submit images for consideration in the 2026 calendar on or before March 1, 2025. Submissions received after that date will be considered for the 2027 calendar. Visit the photo submission page for guidelines and to upload photos.

Submit photos for 2026

Posters and graphics

For those who wish to promote or raise awareness about the calendar in their communities, the following files are available.

Contact the Anglican Church of Canada eStore

The eStore is operated by Gilmore Global, in coordination with General Synod. The eStore Customer Service team can be reached at [email protected] or 1-800-795-6661, Monday to Friday, 8am-5pm Eastern Time (excluding federal and Ontario provincial holidays). Feedback about the eStore can be directed to [email protected].