The following collation of resolutions outlines the movement over fifteen years in the discussion about human sexuality, particularly homosexuality, in the deliberations of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada.

Source: GS / 1989 June / Act 143
Human Sexuality

Moved by: Mr. M. Worthington
Seconded by: Mrs. K. Stevenson

TEXT: That this General Synod encourage each diocese and parish to increase by study, prayer and action their understanding of human sexuality, supporting the Church in enabling all persons to develop a richer awareness of their gift of sexuality and the dignity of all before God. CARRIED WITHOUT DEBATE Act 143

Source: GS / 1992 June 18-26 / Act 111

Moved by: Very Rev. D. Abraham
Seconded by: Mrs. P. Creighton
Prologue: The referred resolution was returned (see pages 86-87).
Mr. George Axon advised that the Expenditures Committee had recommended the resolution be referred to the Administration and Finance Committee for determination of a source of funding.

TEXT: That this General Synod request the House of Bishops and the National Executive Council to commission an immediate study of homosexuality and homosexual relationships, including:
– modern scientific knowledge
– the Church’s understanding of Biblical teaching on homosexuality, human relationships, inclusiveness and justice
– the experience of gays and lesbians who are committed Christians; and
that the study be completed, and a report with specific recommendations submitted to General Synod 1995, in a form that would be available to the whole Church. CARRIED Act 111

Source: GS / 1995 June 1-9 / Act 102
Recognition of Committed Monogamous Same-Gender Union

Moved by: Dean H. Munn
Seconded by: Dr. A. Anthony
Prologue: Moved by Dr. A. Anthony, seconded by Dean H. Munn,
That the Doctrine and Worship Committee, or its successor, initiate broad-based consultations within the Anglican Church of Canada concerning the liturgical recognition of committed monogamous same-gender unions, and report to the next General Synod.

TEXT: That the above motion be tabled. CARRIED Act 102

Source: GS / 1995 June 1-9 / Act 98
Canon XVIII – Discipline – Degree of Proof Required

Moved by: Canon J. Irvine
Seconded by: Rev. J. Matheson
Prologue: With the approval of Synod, the following resolution was presented.

TEXT: That the Memorial from the Diocesan Synod of Fredericton be referred to the Council of the General Synod and that the Council be requested to prepare, for consideration at the next General Synod, a motion to amend Canon XVIII to adopt “proof beyond a reasonable doubt” as the required degree of proof in disciplinary proceedings. CARRIED Act 98

(Notes: Text of Memorial from Diocese of Fredericton, from Convening Circular, Supplement Mailing:
The following motion is forwarded from the 117th Synod of the Diocese of Fredericton, held June4-5, 1993:
That this Synod affirm the clear Biblical and universally held teaching of the Church that sexual relationships between persons of the same sex is contrary to God’s purpose and is sinful, and that this affirmation be conveyed as a Memorial to General Synod. ……..

Source: GS/1995 June 1-9/Act 59
Primate’s Role re Ongoing Dialogue

Moved by: Canon H.R. Houldcroft
Seconded by: Bishop J. Cruickshank

TEXT: That this General Synod request that the Primate continue to encourage dialogue on “homosexuality and homosexual relationships” throughout the church. CARRIED Act 59

Source: GS / 1995 June 1-9 / Act 58
Continuing Dialogue on Homosexuality and Homosexual Relations

Moved by: Canon H.-R. Houldcroft
Seconded by: Bishop J. Cruickshank

TEXT: That this General Synod:
– encourage parishes and dioceses to continue, deepen, extend and adapt the learning, reflection and dialogue identified by the Task Force on Homosexuality and Homosexual Relationships (as reflected in Recommendations 1 through 4 of the Task Force Report).
– encourage parishes and dioceses to give particular attention to the ongoing dialogue with respect to the issues identified in Recommendation 5 of the Task Force Report.
– encourage parishes and dioceses to develop plans of action to further the dialogue as described in the Recommendations of the Task Force Report.
– request the Faith, Worship and Ministry Committee to make provision for leadership to ensure that this process continues at the parish and diocesan levels and that a report be made at the next General Synod. [See Recommendation 6 of the Task Force Report.] CARRIED Act 58

Source: GS / 1995 June 1-9 / Act 60
Clarification – House of Bishops 1979 Statement and Guidelines on Human Sexuality – Request to House of Bishops

Moved by: Canon H.-R. Houldcroft
Seconded by: Bishop P. Mason
Prologue: Archbishop Percy O’Driscoll addressed Synod and read the following motion [#36-11-90] of the National Executive Council:
That this NEC request the House of Bishops to update its 1979 Statements on human sexuality and ordination of persons of homosexual orientation.
He advised that, in November 1991, several hours were spent by the House of Bishops focussing on the material in the 1985 study, published by the Anglican Book Centre (on Human Sexuality). In June 1992, a panel discussion took place and the planning commenced for the Forum at General Synod 1992. Following requests to the House of Bishops and the National Executive Council, a study was commissioned. In November 1992, the House of Bishops again discussed this topic. Throughout the 1992-1995 triennium, the House of Bishops has regularly discussed this topic. The House continues its review and the 1979 Statement remains in effect.

TEXT: That this General Synod request the House of Bishops to indicate whether it is currently reviewing or intending to review its 1979 Statement and Guidelines on Human Sexuality (reaffirmed in 1991). CARRIED Act 60

Source: GS / 1995 June 1-9 / Act 57
Affirm Presence of Gay/Lesbian Christians in Life of the Church

Prologue: Moved by Canon H.-R. Houldcroft, seconded by Bishop J. Cruickshank,

That this General Synod affirms the presence and contributions of gay and lesbian Christians in the life of the church and condemns bigotry, violence and hatred directed toward any due to their sexual orientation.


Moved by Archbishop D. Crawley, seconded by Bishop R. Townshend,

That the word “men” be inserted after “gay”, the letter “s” be added to the word “lesbian”, and the word “Christians” be deleted. CARRIED


Moved by Bishop R. Ferris, seconded by Rev. A. Hoskin,

That after “General Synod” in the first line, the words “while not condoning homosexual behaviour” be added.

Amendment to the Amendment

Moved by Dean H. Munn, seconded by Canon N. Carver,

That the word “homosexual” be replaced with the words “irresponsible sexual” (before behaviour). DEFEATED

The amendment was then put and DEFEATED.

The motion as amended now reads:

That this General Synod affirms the presence and contributions of gay men and lesbians in the life of the church and condemns bigotry, violence and hatred directed toward any due to their sexual orientation.


Moved by Rev. B. Cane, seconded by Rev. T. Carmen,

That, after the word “affirms”, add “all persons, regardless of their sexual orientation, in the life of the church and repents of our bigotry”, deleting the words “the presence and contributions of gay men and lesbians”.

Debate was suspended (see below).

Debate resumed on this resolution.

Suspension of the Rules of Order

Moved by Rev. I. Luke, seconded by Mr. M. Clarke,

That the Rules of Order be suspended for the purpose of limiting debate as follows:

1. a maximum of 30 minutes be allocated for further debate;

2. no further amendments be received; and

3. remaining speakers be limited to two minutes. CARRIED

The suspended amendment was returned and reads as follows:

That, after the word “affirms”, add “all persons, regardless of their sexual orientation, in the life of the church and repents of our bigotry”, deleting the words “the presence and contributions of gay men and lesbians”.

Motion for Secret Ballot

Moved by Ms. E. Archambault, seconded by Mr. C. Arthur,

That the motion and amendment be voted on by secret ballot and that the votes be recorded. DEFEATED

The amendment was then put and DEFEATED.

Motion to Extend Debate

Moved by Mr. M. Clarke, seconded by Ms. E. Archambault,

That debate be extended on the above resolution until 8:30 pm. DEFEATED

TEXT: A vote by Orders was then requested and this was agreed to by six members of Synod.
The amended motion was then put as follows:
That this General Synod affirms the presence and contributions of gay men and lesbians in the life of the church and condemns bigotry, violence and hatred directed toward any due to their sexual orientation. CARRIED IN ALL ORDERS Act 57

Source: GS / 1998 May 21-29 / Act 84
House of Bishops Guidelines on Ordination of Gay and Lesbian Persons and the Blessing of Covenanted Relationships

Moved by: Archeacon S. Parker
Seconded by: Canon A. Box
Prologue: Moved by: Rev. J. Allooloo
Seconded by: Ms. L. Epoo-York
That this General Synod commend the House of Bishops for its statement “Human Sexuality” issued on October 29, 1997 that affirms the 1979 guidelines on the ordination of Gay and Lesbian persons and the blessing of covenanted same sex relationships.

Moved by: Dr. S. Hopkins
Seconded by: Bishop P. Mason
That the words “original intent of the” be added after “affirms the” and the words “acknowledges the need for continuing study and dialogue” be added at the end. CARRIED

The amended resolution now reads:
That this General Synod commend the House of Bishops for its statement “Human Sexuality” issued on October 29, 1997 that affirms the original intent of the 1979 guidelines on the ordination of Gay and Lesbian persons and the blessing of covenanted same sex relationships and acknowledges the need for continuing study and dialogue.

TEXT: Amendment
That the words after “October 29, 1997” be deleted, up to and including “same sex relationships”. CARRIED
The resolution as amended now reads:
That this General Synod commend the House of Bishops for its statement “Human Sexuality” issued on October 29, 1997, and acknowledges the need for continuing study and dialogue. CARRIED Act 84

Source: GS / 2004 May 28 – June 4 / Act 38
Blessing of Same Sex Unions – Resources for the Church

Moved by: Rev. Dr. Stephen Andrews
Seconded by: Bishop Ralph Spence
TEXT: That this General Synod request the Faith, Worship and Ministry Committee in the next triennium to prepare resources for the church to use in addressing issues relating to humans sexuality, including the blessing of same sex unions and the changing definition of marriage in society.

Source: GS / 2004 May 28 – June 4 / Act 37
Blessing of Same Sex Unions

Moved by: Rev. Alan Perry
Seconded by: Bishop Ann Tottenham
Prologue: A question was raised by Rev. Alan Perry about the status of Resolution A134. The Chair ruled that a vote was required and that Resolution A134, 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 be put without further debate. Bishop Donald Harvey appealed the Chair’s ruling. The Chancellor advised that it must be put to the house as to whether the ruling of the chair be upheld. A vote was taken and the ruling of the chair was upheld.
The vote on the amended resolution, the text of which follows, was put —

TEXT: Be it resolved that this General Synod:
1) Affirm that even in the face of deeply held convictions about whether the blessing of committed same sex unions is contrary to the doctrine and teaching of the Anglican Church of Canada, we recognize that through our baptism we are members one of another in Christ Jesus, and we commit ourselves to strive for that communion into which Christ continually calls us.
2) Affirm the crucial value of continued respectful dialogue and study of biblical, theological, liturgical, pastoral and social aspects of humans sexuality; and call upon all bishops, clergy and lay leaders to be instrumental in seeing that dialogue and study continue, intentionally involving gay and lesbian persons;
3) Affirm the principle of respect for the way in which the dialogue and study may be taking place, or might take place, in indigenous and various other communities within our church in a manner consistent with their cultures and traditions;
4) Affirm that the Anglican Church is a church for all the baptized and is committed to taking such actions as are necessary to maintain and serve our fellowship and unity in Christ, and request the House of Bishops to continue its work on the provision of adequate episcopal oversight and pastoral care for all, regardless of the perspective from which they view the blessing of committed same sex relationships; and
5) Affirm the integrity and sanctity of committed adult same sex relationships.

Source: GS / 2004 May 28 – June 4 / Act 36
Blessing of Same Sex Unions : Debate resumed on Amendment to Resolution A134, Clause 6

Moved by: Ms. Judy Steers
Seconded by: Ms. Mel Malton
Prologue: The amending motion, which was tabled earlier in the meeting, reads:
That resolution A134 be amended by adding:

6) Affirm the integrity and sanctity of committed adult same sex relationships.
The Youth Members of General Synod were given first opportunity to speak to the motion.

Moved by: Ms. Catharine Roberts
Seconded by: Mr. Jonathan Blanchard
That the amendment be amended by deleting the words “the integrity and sanctity of” and inserting the words “and love those who are in committed …” .
A number of Youth Members spoke to the motion to amend. The Rev. Guy Bellerby rose on a point of privilege to thank the youth for their candor and honesty.

Moved by: Rev. Guy Bellerby
Seconded by: Rev. David Johnson
That the question be put. CARRIED
The amendment to the amendment was put and DEFEATED

Motion to put the question
TEXT: That the question be put. CARRIED

The amendment which reads:
That resolution A134 be amended by adding:
6) Affirm the integrity and sanctity of committed adult same sex relationships.
was put and CARRIED Act 36
(Notes: The Acting Primate commended the Youth Members for their contribution to the debate. Synod concurred with applause. The Acting Primate also thanked delegates for the civil and dignified manner in which the debate was carried on. Members applauded.

The Rev. Dr. Richard Leggett rose on a point of privilege asking that Synod pause to reflect on the decision. The Synod paused for a period of quiet reflection after the vote was taken.)

Source: GS / 2007 June / A184 St. Michael Report

Moved by: Dennis Drainville

Seconded by: Barbara Burrows

Be it resolved:
That this General Synod accept the conclusion of the Primate’s Theological Commission’s St. Michael Report that the blessing of same-sex unions is a matter of doctrine, but is not core doctrine in the sense of being creedal and should not be a communion breaking issue. CARRIED.

Source: GS/ 2007 June / A186 Blessing of Same Sex Unions – Core Doctrine of ACC

Be it resolved:
That this General Synod resolves that the blessing of same-sex unions is not in conflict with the core doctrine (in the sense of being creedal) of The Anglican Church of Canada. CARRIED.

Source: GS / 2007 June / A189 Marriage Canon

Moved by: Peter Elliott

Seconded by: Ronald Stevenson

Be it resolved:
That this General Synod request the Council of General Synod to consider a revision of Canon 21 (On Marriage) including theological rationale to allow marriage of all legally qualified persons and to report back to General Synod 2010. CARRIED.

Source: GS / 2007 June / C003 Study of Human Sexuality.

Be it resolved:
In light of the statement of the House of Bishops to members of General Synod dated May 1, 2007, that this General Synod 2007:P

  1. Ask the Primate to request the Primate’s Theological Commission to consult with dioceses and parishes and to report in advance of General Synod 2010 on:
  2. The theological question whether the blessing of same-sex unions is a faithful, Spirit-led development of Christian doctrine.
  3. Scripture’s witness to the integrity of every human person and the question of the sanctity of human relationships
  4. Ask the Primate to request the Anglican Communion Task Force to report in advance of General Synod 2010 on the implications of the blessing of same-sex unions and/or marriage for our church and the Anglican Communion.
  5. Support and encourage dioceses to offer the most generous pastoral provision possible within the current teaching of the church to gays and lesbians and their families.
  6. Request Faith, Worship and Ministry to develop a process to engage dioceses and parishes of the Anglican Church of Canada in a study of the Christian perspective on human sexuality through the lens of scripture, reason, tradition and current scientific understanding.