Common Praise (1998) is the most widely used hymn book across The Anglican Church of Canada. Neither the General Synod nor ABC Publishing hold copyright authority for the hymns in Common Praise; authors and composers (or designated administrators) hold their own copyright—with the exception of works in the public domain. As copyright was secured for Common Praise in 1996, permissions do not include use in digital formats such as eBooks or web content, nor do they include permission for the broadcast of live or recorded performances.

Format Approved use Permission required
Printed book (available at
Including lyrics or music in printed bulletin or similar ✓ *
Lyrics displayed in church (e.g., via projector or display) ✓ *
Performance (in-person worship) ✓ *
Electronic distribution of lyrics or sheet music (e.g. email, website, PDF, eBook, etc) ✓ for public domain works
✗ for copyrighted works
Contact copyright holder or licensing companies for permission/license
Performance (live broadcast)
Performance (recorded broadcast)
* for congregation sizes up to the number of printed book copies owned by the parish/church

Public domain works

Background: Copyright in a work exists for the life of the author/creator and the remainder of the calendar year in which they are deceased, plus fifty years† after the end of that calendar year (source: Copyright Act). When the term of copyright protection ends or expires, works fall into the public domain.

† When the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) came into effect on July 1, 2020, the general term of copyright protection in Canada for works of authorship was extended from 50 years after the life of the author to 70 years after the life of the author. Canada has a transition period that lasts until December 31, 2022 to implement this change.

Works in the public domain can be used free of charge and do not require written permission from the author/creator.

How to tell if a Common Praise hymn is in the public domain: Below each hymn in Common Praise, a copyright symbol © is displayed for any component of a hymn that is copyrighted.

EXAMPLE — Hymn 1: Holy, Holy Holy, Lord God Almighty

Copyright information at the bottom of the first page:

Text: Reginald Heber (1783–1826), alt.
Music: John Bacchus Dykes (1823–1876); desc. Geoffrey Hewitt (1909– ) ©.

Copyright information under each translation on the second page:

[For Plains Cree] Tr. John Alexander Mackay (1838–1923)
[For Naskapi] Tr. Joseph Guanish (1931– ) © Adapt. From Eastern Cree, William Gladstone Walton (1867–1948) and Daisy Alice Spencer Walton (1873–1948) © Anglican Book Centre.
[For Inuktitut] Tr. Bejamin T. Arreak (1947– )

In the example above, copyright applies to:

  • the descant for the hymn;
  • the Naskapi translation; and
  • the Inuktitut translation.

The melody, original text, harmonies (except descant) and Plains Cree text translation are in the public domain.

Copyright holders

Common Praise includes an alphabetical list of copyright holders in the hymnal. Please consult this resource to obtain permissions beyond the approved uses noted above.

Where the copyright holder is identified as either The General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada or The Anglican Book Centre, advance permissions are given freely for use by parishes, dioceses, religious orders and other organizations of The Anglican Church of Canada.

Licensing companies

Licensing companies represent a large number creators and artists, granting permissions for songs and hymns. Of these, OneLicense and CCLI have proven to be the most helpful to Anglican parishes. On their websites, you can: search permissions for specific hymns; or, purchase blanket license subscriptions for reproduction, online streaming and/or performance. Licensing company libraries are subject to change and you should consult these organizations directly for additional details.

‘Demanding more’

The heart of America is aching in the aftermath of yet another tragic school shooting, this time at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Fourteen young people, a geography teacher, an athletic director and a football coach were murdered. As this community buries its children, thousands and thousands of people across the United … Continued

Primate endorses Bill C-262 in letter to Prime Minister Trudeau

Archbishop and Primate Fred Hiltz has written to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in support of a bill that would require all Canadian laws to be in harmony with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). In the letter, Archbishop Hiltz expressed his support for Bill C-262 on behalf of the Anglican … Continued

Youth Secretariat charts new way forward

The appointment of Sheilagh McGlynn as youth animator for the Anglican Church of Canada marks a new chapter in the church’s future in youth ministry—the earliest effects of which may be felt in the national Youth Secretariat. Established at the 2010 General Synod in Halifax, the Youth Secretariat brings together a group of representatives from … Continued

House of Bishops sends message to CoGS

Earlier today, the House of Bishops of the Anglican Church of Canada sent a communication to members of the Council of General Synod (CoGS). This communication has also been made public on The communication takes place within the context of a continued engagement of the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC) in consideration of same-sex … Continued

General theological formation

The Anglican Church of Canada is served by a number of theological colleges across the country.

Vancouver School of Theology

Vancouver, B.C.
The Vancouver School of Theology was formed in 1971out of a long-standing cooperation between the Anglican Theological College and the United Church’s Union College of British Columbia. The 1970s and early ’80s were exciting years of growth, with students coming from many denominations. With the affiliation of St. Andrew’s Hall, the Presbyterian Church in Canada officially became associated with VST. The School established its partnership with First Nations more than 25 years ago, and offers the innovative Native Ministries Degree Program by extension, reaching out to distant parts of Canada and the western USA. Today, the School is developing new courses and programs that explore a re-imagined Christianity that actively engages the world. As well, VST has established Iona Pacific Inter-religious Centre. Iona Pacific creates a platform from which VST can engage multiple voices and faiths, and sits alongside the core work of the school.


  • Continuing Education Certificate in Theological Studies
  • Diploma in Theological Studies
  • Diploma in Denominational Studies (Anglican)
  • Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
  • Master of Divinity Honours
  • Native Ministries Master of Divinity Degree by Extension
  • Master of Arts in Public and Pastoral Leadership
  • Master of Arts in Indigenous and Inter-Religious Studies
  • Master of Theology (Th.M) in Indigenous and Inter-Religious Studies

Emmanuel and St. Chad

Saskatoon, Sask.
The College of Emmanuel and St. Chad was formed in 1964 from a merger of Emmanuel College (originally in Prince Albert, later Saskatoon) and St. Chad’s College (Regina). It operates within the Saskatoon Theological Union with its ecumenical partners, St. Andrew’s College (United Church) and the Lutheran Theological Seminary, sharing teaching, resources, and facilities on the campus of the University of Saskatchewan. The College is the official accredited Theological College for the Ecclesiastical Province of Rupert’s Land.


  • Licentiate in Theology (L.Th)
  • Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
  • Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.)
  • Master of Theological Studies (MTS)
  • Master of Sacred Theology (STM)
  • Doctor of Ministry in Rural Ministry and Community Development
  • Diploma in Anglican Studies

Centre for Christian Studies

Winnipeg, Man.
The Centre for Christian Studies is a Canadian theological school that has been training women and men for ministry since 1892. Its roots are in the deaconess training schools of the Anglican and United Churches of Canada. Students on a path toward diaconal ministry appreciate CCS’s values of community, diversity, creativity, and right relationships. CCS provides programs to students from across Canada who are training to be diaconal ministers. We also provide theological programs for those seeking new skills for their life in faith, and for ministers seeking continuing education. Most of our students come from the United Church of Canada or the Anglican Church of Canada, but we welcome students of all denominations.


  • Leadership Development Module
  • Certificate in Leadership Development and Educational & Liturgical Ministry
  • Certificate in Leadership Development and Pastoral Care
  • Certificate in Leadership Development and Social Ministry
  • Diploma in Diaconal Ministries

St John’s College

Winnipeg, Man.
St. John’s College was started in 1866, and became one of the founding colleges of the University of Manitoba in 1877, and offered instruction in both general arts and theology. The programs of the Faculty of Theology are currently under review. In partnership with Wycliffe College and Saint Margaret’s Anglican Church, it offers a few Masters-level theology courses, under the banner of the Ecclesial University project.

Thorneloe University
Sudbury, Ont.
Founded in 1961, Thorneloe University is an interdisciplinary centre of teaching, learning and research, affiliated with the Anglican Church of Canada. In addition to Thorneloe’s work as an undergraduate university federated with Laurentian University, the university offers a program of theological study designed to serve the educational mission of the Church.


  • Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.)
  • Diploma of Theology (Dip.Th.)
  • Certificate for Anglican Lay Leaders (C.A.L.L.)
  • Non-Degree Studies (N.D.)

Huron University

London, Ont.
Huron University was founded as a theological college in 1863. In 1877, the College founded Western University, and it has retained an affiliation with Western to this day. In the 1950s it moved to its present location, and saw major growth with the establishment of a Faculty of Arts alongside the Faculty of Theology.


Trinity College

Toronto, Ont.
Trinity College was founded in 1851, incorporating the earlier Theological Institution which was moved from Cobourg. In 1904 it federated with the University of Toronto, and continued to teach Arts and Divinity as a federated college within the university. From 1969 Trinity’s Faculty of Theology has participated in the Toronto School of Theology, an ecumenical federation of seven colleges that have pooled their resources to offer a common curriculum. In cooperation with the TST Trinity offers a number of basic and advanced degree programs, as well as certificate programs.


  • Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
  • Master of Divinity (Honours)
  • Master of Divinity (Collaborative Learning Model)
  • Master of Divinity/Master of Arts Combined
  • Licentiate in Theology
  • Master of Theological Studies (MTS)
  • Master of Theology (ThM)
  • Master of Arts in Theology (MA)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  • Doctor of Ministry (Dmin)
  • Diploma in Theology
  • Diploma in Ministry
  • Diploma in Diaconal Ministries
  • Diploma (and Certificate) in Ministry for Church Musicians
  • Certificate in Diaconal Studies

Wycliffe College

Toronto, Ont.
Wycliffe College was founded in 1877 by the Church Association of the Diocese of Toronto, a local organization dedicated to the principles of evangelical Anglicanism. The school moved to the University of Toronto campus, and eventually became a federated college of the university. As a member of the Toronto School of Theology, Wycliffe shares resources, curriculum, and degree standards with six other colleges of various denominations.


  • Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
  • Master of Divinity (Honours)
  • Master of Divinity for Pioneer Ministries (M.Div.)
  • Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.)
  • Master of Theological Studies in Development (M.T.S. Dev)
  • Combined M.Div/MTS (Development)
  • Diploma in Christian Studies (Dip.C.S.)
  • Certificate in Anglican Studies (Cert.A.S.)
  • Certificate in Missional Leadership and Formation (M.L.F.)
  • Master of Arts in Theology (M.A.)
  • Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.)
  • Master of Theology (Th.M.)
  • Doctor of Theology (ThD)

Saint Paul University

Ottawa, Ont.
The origins of Saint Paul University go back to 1848, with the founding of a Roman Catholic college that would eventually become the University of Ottawa. In 1965 it was renamed Saint Paul University, and entered into a federation with the new provincially founded University of Ottawa. The Anglican Studies Program began in 1981, providing Anglican students with the opportunity to study in an ecumenical context alongside Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox students.


  • Certificate in Theology
  • Honours Bachelor of Arts with Major in Theology
  • Master of Divinity (M.Div.) – Anglican Studies
  • Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.)
  • Graduate Diploma in Contemplative Theology and Spiritual Mentorship
  • Master of Arts in Theology
  • Master in Religious Education
  • Doctor of Ministry
  • Doctorate in Theology

Montreal Diocesan Theological College

Montreal, Que.
Montreal Diocesan Theological College (commonly known as “Dio”) was founded in 1873. It is a founding member of the Montreal School of Theology (MST), which has engaged in ecumenical theological education for over a century, making it one of the oldest ecumenical consortia in the world. Currently, MST consists of Diocesan College, Presbyterian College, United Theological College, and the McGill Faculty of Religious Studies. Dio students study academic theology in the ecumenical and multifaith context of McGill’s Religious Studies faculty; practical theology is taught cooperatively by the three colleges of MST through the In-Ministry Year program; while the worship and community life is centred on the College, which also teaches Anglican courses and oversees field education.


  • Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
  • Diploma in Ministry
  • Licentiate in Theology
  • Master of Sacred Theology
  • Reading & Tutorial Program – for laity, for ordinands
  • Certificate Courses in Christian Theology (Montreal School of Theology)
  • Montreal Mission Internship

Atlantic School of Theology

Halifax, N.S.
The Atlantic School of Theology was founded in 1971 by institutions of the three founding parties: the Divinity Faculty of the University of King’s College (Anglican Church of Canada), Holy Heart Theological Seminary (The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Halifax) and Pine Hill Divinity Hall (United Church of Canada). It remains an ecumenical, tri-denominational theological school with an ecumenical Board of Governors, Senate, Faculty, student body and curriculum. The School is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada and offers Master of Divinity and Master of Arts (Theology and Religious Studies) degrees. Since 2002 it has been affiliated with Saint Mary’s University, in conjunction with which it offers a Master of Arts degree in Theology and Religious Studies.


  • Master of Divinity
  • Master of Divinity Summer Distance
  • Master of Arts (Theology and Religious Studies)
  • Adult Education Certificate Program in Theological Studies
  • Graduate Certificate in Theological Studies
  • Diploma in Youth Ministry

Queen’s College

St. John’s, N.L.
Queen’s College was founded in 1841. Its prime purpose was then, and is now, to offer training leading to ordination. Since that time the College has expanded its programs to include persons who wish to pursue the study of theology without of seeking ordination. The Faculty consists of full-time and adjunct members. A network of trained supervisors, both in Clinical Pastoral Education and Parish Internship programs, also form an integral part of the College’s life. Queen’s is an affiliated College of Memorial University of Newfoundland, and an associate member of The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (A.T.S.).


  • Master of Divinity
  • Master of Theological Studies
  • Bachelor of Theology
  • Bachelor of Theology by Distance
  • Associate in Theology (A.Th.)
  • Diploma in Theology and Ministry
  • Certificate in Youth Ministry


CoGS to receive report from Commission on the Marriage Canon

Members of the Council of General Synod (CoGS) will meet in Toronto this week to receive a report from the Commission on the Marriage Canon, paving the way for a resolution on the blessing of same-sex marriage to be made at General Synod 2016. The report—which will be presented to CoGS members on Tuesday, Sept. … Continued

For download:

In 2013 the General Synod passed a resolution directing the drafting of a motion “to change Canon XXI on marriage to allow the marriage of same-sex couples in the same way as opposite-sex couples, and that this motion should include a conscience clause so that no member of the clergy, bishop, congregation or diocese should be constrained to participate in or authorize such marriages against the dictates of their conscience.” Such a motion will be considered by the 2016 General Synod.

The General Synod stipulated that the preparation of this motion should, among other things, demonstrate that a “broad consultation” has taken place. To that end, a Commission on the Marriage Canon was established, and an important part of its mandate includes inviting “signed written submissions on the matter of amending Canon XXI (“On Marriage in the Church”) so as to provide for same-sex marriage in our church from any member of the Anglican Church of Canada who wishes to make such a submission.”

To this end the Commission on the Marriage Canon invited submissions from members of the Anglican Church of Canada between April 28 and September 30, 2014. The commission’s terms of reference also specifically state: “In order to ensure the credibility of the commission and the transparency of its work, all submissions to the commission will be posted on the national church’s website.” As submissions were received and reviewed, they were posted below in the order in which they were received.

Other submissions solicited by the commission from specialized experts and full communion and ecumenical partners will be posted as they are received. You may consult the commission’s terms of reference below for additional details on its mandate, continuing work, and timetable.

The Commission presented its final report to the Council of General Synod on September 22, 2015.

Members of the Commission on the Marriage Canon

Canon Robert Falby (chair)
Dr. Patricia Bays
The Very Rev. Kevin Dixon (until November 2014)
The Rev. Dr. Paul Friesen
The Rev. Paul Jennings
Dr. Stephen Martin
The Rt. Rev. Linda Nicholls
The Most Rev. John Privett

The Ven. Bruce Myers (clerk)

Background information

Image of a homeless person. Photo: Shutterstock

An estimated 400,000 people in Canada do not have a healthy place to live. Many in our society, notably the working poor, are unable to find affordable housing while others who are amongst the most vulnerable in our society lack a place called “home”. At the Joint Assembly in Ottawa in July 2013, Anglicans and Lutherans unanimously endorsed a shared commitment to:

  • learn more about the issues contributing to poverty, homelessness, and substandard housing
  • to act to support existing initiatives
  • to advocate renewed federal funding and a national housing strategy
  • and to pray for safe, affordable housing for all

Take action

National Housing Day, Nov. 22Annually, on Nov. 22, Lutherans and Anglicans are called to lift up National Housing Day, learn more about the issues contributing to poverty, homelessness and substandard housing, and advocate for changes.

Giving With Grace: Be a part of the solution. Your gift will help the church be actively involved in ending homelessness and support affordable housing.

