“We invite you to read, to listen, and to ask with us whether God is calling us into a new stage in our common life.”
St. Brigid Report (2009)
Since its foundation in 1925, the United Church of Canada has worked in partnership with the Anglican Church of Canada. A number of local congregations of Anglicans and United Church people are a part of ecumenical shared ministries, and many of our ordained leaders train together in ecumenical schools of theology. At the national level, our two churches work together in ecumenical justice and advocacy initiatives.
The Anglican Church of Canada and the United Church of Canada negotiated an organic union in the 1970s that was never fulfilled. Since 2003, our two churches have been engaged in a new bilateral dialogue aimed at exploring the unity we already share, as well as considering new models for further deepening that unity.
- Archbishop Lynne McNaughton (co-chair)
- Rev. Jean-Daniel Williams
- Bishop Susan Bell
- Bishop Nigel Shaw
- Rev. Dr. Gordon Jensen (ELCIC)
- Rev. Canon Dr. Scott Sharman (staff)
United Church of Canada:
- Rev. Dr. Sandra Beardsall (co-chair)
- Ms. Brenda Simpson
- Rev. Ivan Gregan
- Dm. Russell Mitchell-Walker
- Rev. Dr. Andrew Richardson
- Dr. Gail Allan (staff)
Anglican-United Church resources
Final Report of the ACC-UC Dialogue (2017-2020) – A report on the third contemporary phase of the dialogue between the Anglican Church of Canada and the United Church of Canada, reflecting on the mandate, methodologies, and main points of emphasis for the work of this triennium.
Sharing Ministry Ecumenically (August 2020) – A collection of stories from across the country of Anglican-United shared ministry at the local level, and the lessons that can be learned from these creative experiments in being churches together.
A Ministry of Unity (August 2020) – A theological and ecclesiological study document on the subject of the structure and exercise of the ministry of episcope (i.e., oversight) in the Anglican and United churches in Canada, with insights from the international dialogues that may propose some new steps forward.
Statement of Mutual Affirmations and Commitments of the Anglican-United Dialogue in Canada – An ecumenical statement affirmed by General Synod 2019
Called to Unity in Mission (November 2016) – Report on the second phase of dialogue between the Anglican Church of Canada and the United Church of Canada from 2012 to 2016 compares theological and ecclesial understandings of creeds, sacraments, and orders of ministry within the two churches.
A Response to a Proposal for One Order of Ministry (January 2015) – Reflections from the Anglican-United Church Dialogue on a proposal to restructure the United Church of Canada’s categories of ministry.
A Word to the Comprehensive Review Task Group (February 2015) – Reflections from the Anglican-United Church Dialogue on plans to alter the ministry and governance structures of the United Church of Canada.
Interim Report (Vancouver, January 2014) – The interim report of the second iteration of the Anglican-United Church Dialogue.
The St. Brigid Report – The report of the Anglican-United Church Dialogue, 2003-2009.