A deluge of “Amazing Grace” videos is flooding Church House from all parts of the country. Nov. 23 was Amazing Grace Sunday, when Anglicans from across Canada sang “Amazing Grace,” filmed it, and sent (or are sending) their renditions to the national office. The videos will be made into one compilation video, to be put online by Christmas. Individual singers were also asked to donate a toonie to support northern ministry through the Council of the North.
The current count is 150 videos, and rising. Over $4,000 has been raised for the council, but none of the money from Nov. 23 has been tallied yet.
The videos are diverse, from hand-held footage of a sanctuary in London, Ont., to a formal choir singing in a Newfoundland outport.
Canadian Anglicans have done their part, and now communications staff are busy with theirs. Web Manager Brian Bukowski is uploading videos to the website, and Anglican Video staff are strategizing how to incorporate all the videos into one cohesive piece.
“It’s been so inspiring to see the ‘Amazing Grace’ videos pour in from across Canada,” said Lisa Barry, senior producer for Anglican Video. “Now we have the creative challenge of putting them all together into one documentary. This is artistic collaboration at its best and we are thrilled to be a part of it.”
The compilation video will be hosted by Lynne Samways Hiltz, wife of Archbishop Fred Hiltz, the Primate. Every contribution will be acknowledged in the final piece.
If your parish or group has not yet sent in your rendition of “Amazing Grace,” take heart! You have until Dec. 1 to send it in by email or post. Get more details on the website.
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