A #heartbeatprayer from the Diocese of New Westminster


Dear Heavenly Father:  As the Synod 2019 gathers, be there in Spirit to guide those who make their vote on the three topics.  Thank you that we acknowledge the injustices done to the Indigenous people of this country in the name of Christ.  We repent and ask for forgiveness so that we may carry on your work amongst those who need your Word to be preached in love and justice.  We pray for a new primate that is appointed by you Lord.  We also pray for the vote on the same sex marriage.  God you have given us your Word and let us not change it for our convenience.  Let us strive hard to follow your commandments by being true to you and loving you with all of our hearts and loving our neighbour without judgement.  May your Will be done because our reward is not in this earth but in eternity.