Primate writes message of thanksgiving to Jerusalem Archbishop on the occasion of his retirement

Archbishop and Primate Linda Nicholls writes with sadness and joy in a letter congratulating the Most Rev. Suheil Dawani on the occasion of his retirement as Archbishop of The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem.

“Your friendship with the Anglican Church of Canada has been a gift to our church over many years and especially since your diocese became one of our global partners in 2007.… You have exemplified the qualities of Christian leadership, always seeking justice and peace and acting with generous compassion and grace.“

Read the Primate’s full letter (PDF).

A Service of Thanksgiving for Archbishop Suheil Dawani and Mrs. Shafeeqa Dawani will take place on Friday, April 23, 11am Eastern, at St. George’s Cathedral, Jerusalem. The service will be livestreamed through YouTube, available for viewing below.

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