General Synod at worship

As the 37th General Synod 2004 approaches, the worship committee is putting final touches to a vibrant worship program, designed to cater to all delegates and visitors.

“As tradition, each day will begin with an hour of Bible study which will take place in home groups, followed by worship at the start of each morning sitting,” said Dean Peter Wall, chair of the General Synod Worship Committee. The daily prayers and Bible studies will be linked to the theme of Synod — “See I am making all things new.”

The worship program starts with a Eucharist where the acting primate, Archbishop David Crawley will preside and then deliver a presidential address. That service will be Friday, May 28, in the Sean O’Sullivan Theater, on the campus of Brock University, St. Catharines, Ont.

As part of the worship program, delegates will have the opportunity to join local parishes in the host diocese of Niagara during the celebration of the Pentecost, on Sunday, May 30. Local parishes will provide transport and lunch. “These parish visits will enable delegates to experience varied styles of worship in the setting of parish life,” said Dean Wall.

One of the most significant items on the General Synod agenda is the election and installation of a new primate. The election will take place on Monday morning, May 31; and will be preceded by Eucharist, presided over by Archbishop Crawley. The installation of the newly elected primate will be on June 4, at Christ’s Church Cathedral in Hamilton, Ont.

The planning of the election and installation services were a challenge for the worship committee: “The venue of the primatial election service, the O’Sullivan Theater, challenges us in the sitting arrangements and choreography, because it is a theater,” said Dean. Wall.

At the installation service, “the challenge is for us to show the Anglican church at its best,” he added. Frank Griswold, presiding bishop of the U.S. Episcopal Church will be guest preacher, and the new primate will preside at the Eucharist. The official closing of General Synod will follow the installation.

For the “church to shine” during General Synod, delegates are invited to join the choir, or to play an instrument during the course of the meeting.

In addition to regular worship, a pastoral care/chaplaincy team headed by bishop Bob Bennett of Huron will be available to any delegates who seek a listening ear, prayer or some quite meditation with someone away from the business of synod. Members of the team will wear an armband or a ribbon.

Some of the contentious discussions on the table, like the blessing of same-sex union, challenged the worship committee to come up with a program that will honor people’s differences.

“We hope that the worship program that we have set as a committee, will honor people differences and bring them together as they debate over the difficult issues that are faced by the Anglican Church today,” said Dean Wall.

Information about the 37th General Synod can be found at:

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