Q & A on National Indigenous Bishop

This content was published more than 18 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

The Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples and General Synod Communications have released a short booklet explaining the background to the appointment of a National Indigenous Bishop, which is expected by this summer.

The booklet describes the history of the Anglican church’s relations with Indigenous peoples, leading up to last summer’s Sacred Circle in Pinawa, Man., where the proposal for a national bishop was endorsed by the gathering and by Anglican bishops attending, including the Primate, Archbishop Andrew Hutchison.

The booklet is available as a PDF file for downloading or, as a printed resource, from Donna Bomberry, Indigenous Ministries Coordinator, 80 Hayden St., Toronto, ON. M4Y 3G2; 416-924-9199 ext 626; [email protected]

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