Porto Alegre diaries now on-line

This content was published more than 19 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

To get a feel of what it is like to be among 3,000 people at the World Council of Churches’ 9th Assembly in Porto Alegre, Brazil (Feb 14- 23), assembly participants from the Anglican Church of Canada are sharing experiences, stories and reflections on issues, events, places of interest and the different people they meet on ‘Porto Alegre Diaries’.

The contributors to the diaries are, Rev. Maylanne Maybee, coordinator for Mission and Justice Education, who is attending the assembly as a visitor, Matt Koovisk, diocese of Kootenay, Laura Marie Piotrowicz, diocese of Rupert’s Land and Kendra Hastie representing the dioceses of Huron and Toronto. The last three are youth participants representing the Primates’ World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF).

The diaries are posted to the anglican.ca website and linked to the PWRDF website.

People can follow the proceedings at the assembly from home by accessing the WCC assembly website. Program documents, prayers, Bible studies, news stories and feature articles are also being posted on the website.

During the assembly itself, video summaries and live webcasts of plenary sessions are also available.

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