The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund is accepting donations which will be sent to partners in Burma to help them rebuild communities and lives in that devastated country.
PWRDF will also work with other partner agencies in ACT (Action by Churches Together) to coordinate a response.
An unprecedented tropical cyclone with the wind speed of 200 km/h hit a number of cities in Myanmar (formerly Burma), including the former capital city, Rangoon, causing havoc for hundreds of thousands of people, especially in western part of Burma, Irrawaddy delta and Rangoon Division.
The latest report indicates that between 10,000 and 15,000 people may have died, thousands of people injured and left homeless. The number of causalities is expected to rise, and it is still difficult to assess the situation on the ground.
Canadian Friends of Burma called on the Government of Canada to provide an emergency aid to Burma through an international aid agency. It is also important for the Burmese regime to allow international relief organization to respond to this crisis and allow them to provide the emergency aid to affected people as quickly as possible.
“We are unable to communicate with people in Burma, as all communication lines including phone and internet are not working right now,” said Tin Maung Htoo, executive director of Canadian Friends of Burma. “The prices of basic food have also doubled overnight and people are in panic now,” Tin Maung Htoo added. Canadian Friends of Burma is requesting individual Canadians and organizations to help provide assistance to those affected people in Burma as soon as possible.
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