News hub for Anglican Consultative Council meeting

This content was published more than 15 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

The Anglican Consultative Council (ACC), a gathering of Anglican laity, clergy, and bishops, meets May 1 to 13, 2009, in Kingston, Jamaica. The ACC meets every two to three years to coordinate common action and share information among the Anglican Communion’s 38 provinces.

The Anglican Church of Canada has set up a web hub with links to news and blogs that will be updated during the ACC meeting.Anglican Journal writer Tess Sison will be blogging, as will ACC delegates Suzanne Lawson (Diocese of Toronto) and Bishop Sue Moxley (Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island). The Rev. Dr. Stephen Andrews (bishop-elect, Diocese of Algoma) is the third Canadian delegate to the ACC.

At the Kingston meeting, the ACC will discuss mission in the Anglican Communion, ecumenical matters, and a proposed Anglican Covenant, which would define the relationships between the communion’s provinces.

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