Sister Elizabeth Ann Eckert, SSJD, wrote and presented the Lenten podcast series. ALI SYMONS / GENERAL SYNOD COMMUNICATIONS

Lenten podcasts explore "dust to light" theme

This content was published more than 13 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

For Lent 2011, the Anglican Church of Canada is offering a special series of podcasts: “A Journey from Lent to Easter—From Creation’s Dust to Resurrection’s Light,” written and presented by Sister Elizabeth Ann Eckert of the Sisters of Saint John the Divine (SSJD). The series includes nine podcasts, spanning from Ash Wednesday (March 9) through Lent to Easter Sunday (April 24).

Sister Elizabeth Ann Eckert, SSJD, wrote and presented the Lenten podcast series.  ALI SYMONS / GENERAL SYNOD COMMUNICATIONS
Sister Elizabeth Ann Eckert, SSJD, wrote and presented the Lenten podcast series. ALI SYMONS / GENERAL SYNOD COMMUNICATIONS

This resource is designed to enhance people’s personal devotional practices during Lent and Easter. Sister Elizabeth Ann, SSJD, combines Biblical reflection, personal stories, and songs to draw out the mystery of God’s love during the Lenten season. Along the way she touches on the earthy subjects of water, light, and bones.

Sister Elizabeth Ann currently serves as Reverend Mother of SSJD and is based in Toronto. She has experience in preaching; leading retreats, workshops and quiet days; and accompanying people on their spiritual journeys. She has a degree in forestry from Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ont.

Listeners can subscribe to podcasts through iTunes, or listen and download directly from the Anglican Church of Canada’s website. For more information, visit the podcasts website.

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