Council convened at 8:50 a.m. for Bible study.

Committee Report

General Synod Planning Committee

Prolocutor Dorothy Davies-Flindall presented the report.

She moved that council adopt Guidelines for the Resolutions Committee. Carried.

A motion appointing members to sessional committees was made by Ms Davies-Flindall. The motion was carried.

The report contains the latest draft of the agenda for General Synod.

Financial Management and Development

Archdeacon Jim Boyles, Betty Livingston and Bishop Rod Andrews presented the report.

In 2003, diocesan contributions held steady. Donations to Anglican Appeal were below expectations (as of November and December) perhaps due to the necessity of payments to the Settlement Fund and the increased visibility of the debate over same-sex unions. Income from ABC was down significantly. An expected surplus of $225,670 has been reduced to $162,458. Applying last year’s surplus to this year’s expenditures leaves us with a deficit of $241,000, which is not considered acceptable. The 2005 budget at this point looks like a deficit of $754,000, which is also unacceptable.

Bob Falby asked that the two largest disbursements — Partnerships and the Council of the North — be scrutinized instead of “chopping” Church House expenses where there is no longer much room for trimming.

A motion was presented authorizing Management Team in consultation with a budget task force to review and adjust the budget to ensure that it is balanced by the end of 2004 taking into account the 2003 surplus, and report to CoGS in June. Carried

A number of items were presented for information.

Archdeacon Jim Boyles and Archdeacon Helena-Rose Houldcroft presented a report as ECUSA partners.

Alan Perry, seconded by Jim Sweeny, moved that the text of the draft motion on same-sex blessings presented by Faith, Worship and Ministry yesterday and posted on the Web as part of the Daily Highlights be removed from the Web. Defeated


Faith Worship and Ministry – Table group report-backs

Archdeacon Helena-Rose Houldcroft and Bishop Fred Hiltz introduced the process and invited members to discuss, the different clauses of the draft motion. What we are getting at, she said, is “Is this the right motion to put before General Synod?”

Ms Houldcroft explained the FWM committee deviated from the consultants’ report because it felt that General Synod should have the opportunity to make a decision.

Bishop Hiltz and Archdeacon Houldcroft introduced each of the five clauses in the proposed motion one by one, and asked members to reflect on and discuss, in small groups whether each clause is an issue that should usefully be placed before General Synod.

Responses from the small groups were gathered for collation.

Council recessed for lunch at 12 p.m.


Council reconvened at 2 p.m.

ACIP Report and Healing Fund Report

Andrew Wesley and Todd Russell presented a report from the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples including a report on the Indigenous Covenant Implementation Commission (ICIC), which CoGS endorsed last meeting.

Mr. Russell described meetings that ICIC has had since then. The commission has looked at six different models that might guide relationships between indigenous peoples and the Anglican Church of Canada. In February, ACIP reflected on the current model of the church in an effort to base a new model on what already exists. The commission next intends to look at indigenous self-government and see how that model might be used in crafting a new relationship. He said the time all this work will take will be considerable and will continue in the next triennium. Mr. Russell said the commission is sensitive to General Synod’s financial problems and is trying to stretch the money it has already received.

The council has done some work on a gambling policy statement. Mr. Russell said the statement might diverge from the policy on gambling by General Synod because the realities are different for indigenous peoples.

Rev. Sid Black and Yolanda Bird shared their experiences working for the commission. Ms Bird said the experience represent a very busy time. The experience, she said is very positive but also overwhelming. Mr. Russell said the work is very exciting and positive.

Mr. Russell described some of ACIP’S international work and some of the work the council has been doing on justice issues.

Esther Wesley reported on applications to the Healing Fund and grants that the fund has made. She noted that each application deadline usually yields applications totaling about $1 million. The fund’s annual budget however is about $300,000. The fund is working at posting the application form on the Web as well as posting a list of projects and activities the Fund will not make grants to. A summary of projects funded was reviewed. It is very difficult to refuse to fund projects, she said, because almost all applications describe very good projects.

She noted that she has received a number of enquiries that indicate people are mixing up the Healing Fund and the Settlement Fund.

Mr. Russell answered questions.

Recess, 3:15 p.m.

Framework and structure (Planning and Agenda Team)

Peter Elliott presented a summary of table group responses to the Framework and a series of motions to be put.

Louise Peters summarized key concerns expressed by the groups. Michael Thompson described the revision to the Framework mandated by feedback from CoGS members.

A series of motions was presented:

1. That Sam Carriere and Michael Thompson revise the Framework in the context of CoGS feedback and that the Officers review the new draft before it is circulated to members of General Synod.


2. That CoGS endorse the Framework and ask General Synod to adopt the Framework as a guide for the work of the church between 2005 and 2010.


3. That CoGS endorse Letting Down the Nets and ask General Synod to endorse the document as a guide for the financial support of the Framework.


4. That CoGS ask General Synod to request all committees and boards to develop plans, directions and goals using the Framework as a reference point and report on their plans to CoGS in May 2005 and on the progress of these plans in March 2007.


5. That CoGS request General Synod to review the governance of the Council of General Synod with a view to enhancing the work and mission of General Synod.


6. That CoGS establish two new working groups, one on leadership development for local ministry and one on the implementation of the New Agape.

(A vote on this motion was postponed until later in the meeting because agenda time for the item had expired.)

Anti Racism Working Group

The Rev. Murray Still, Faith, Worship and Ministry representative to the working group, presented material including A Charter for Racial Justice in the Anglican Church of Canada .

Questions on the proposed charter and action plan were invited.

Members expressed some concerns about the wording of different parts of the document.

The Rev. Yves-Eugene Joseph, representative of the Eco-Justice Committee on the working group, made a presentation. He introduced himself as a priest born and raised in Haiti now living in Montreal . He said he was shocked to discover the extent of racism in North America and in the church. He said that racism is predominantly or exclusively a white problem and one that meets a lot of denial. “As baptized in the resurrection of Jesus Christ we are called upon to fight all evil,” he said. He said adoption of the charter would be the start of a dialogue process that would help us move in one direction together.

Presenters answered some questions.

Council recessed at 5:10 p.m.


Council resumed at 7 p.m.

Committee Reports

Anglican Journal Corp.

Rev. Robert Towler, president of the Anglican Journal Board gave the board’s report, which was received by CoGS.

Information Resources Committee

Jim Sweeny presented the committee report, which was received by CoGS. Mr. Sweeny answered questions. There was some discussion of a committee comment to the effect that the committee did not have full access to financial information.

Mission Coordination Group

Canon Bill Prentice and Cynthia Haines-Turner presented the report, which was received by CoGS.

Council of the North

Bishop Donald Harvey presented the report, which was received by CoGS. One of the council’s main concerns was for an equitable compensation policy for member dioceses. The Council plans to do more work on this in the fall.


Council returned to a consideration of Motion 6 (page 2 of the Highlights.)

Todd Russell noted that ACIP has not been consulted on an implementation working group for the New Agape and said it should be dropped from the motion.

Robert Falby moved to amend the motion to the effect that Council “consider establishing” . the two working groups. Iain Luke suggested that the prescribed membership and terms of reference be deleted. Mr. Falby accepted the change. The amendment carried.

The amendment motion carried.

Anglican Award of Merit

The nominations of Amy Newell of the Diocese of Ottawa and Canon Robert Falby of the Diocese of Toronto, were recommended to Council for approval.


Council adjourned at 8:45 p.m.