We envision a church growing
in membership, faith and service in God’s world
November 2006, Mississauga, Ont.
(Queen of Apostles)
Saturday, Nov. 11
Council convened at 8:45. Council members heard a musical rendition of In Flanders Fields by ABC staff member Jon Brooks.
The day, which included forums on the themes and issues introduced yesterday, was structured around a day-long Eucharist. The forums were in small groups in different locations.
In the small groups, members were asked to write down their hopes, fears and action suggestions around each of the six issues.
Members of the Council gathered in plenary at 11:45 for the continuation of the Eucharist – an Act of Remembrance and Scripture.
The Council adjourned for lunch at 12 p.m.
Council recovened at 1:45 p.m. for a continuation of the Eucharist and of the work in forums.
Council adjourned for supper at 5 p.m. and reconvened at 7.
Council convened in committee of the whole to review and consider the work that was done in the forums. Council members were asked to read the reports from the working groups. The groups’ work was then summarized by each of the facilitators.
Clarence Randell summarized the work of the group on the prioritized operations plan: There was a strong emphasis on the need to “think outside the box”. There was a strong feeling that the work with youth should be maintained.
Council members made some comments and asked questions:
There does not seem to be a lot of long-term thinking about priorities.
Many of the comments will require some time and breathing space for reflection.
Allen Box summarized the conversation around the Windsor Report.
There is a desire that our response be clearly on the issue and address the substance of the report. We must do all we can to ensure that the report and the response are read by members of General Synod before they get there.
There is a desire that the church finally move beyond this issue and address some of the world’s other problems.
Barbara Burrows summarized the work of the group on General Synod 2007.
The fears that came through had to do with rushing things, the politics of things, that there would be no room for the Spirit to work. Hopes centered around being able to talk about real issues and being able to put sexual issues in a proper context.
Allen Box summarized the work of the budget group.
One strongly expressed opinion was that the budget is about faith and that the context is the abundance of God’s blessings. At the same time, the fear was expressed that we might be going out of business. There was a feeling for the need for new means of communications around budget and especially Letting Down the Nets. There was a commitment to the principle that the budget must be mission-led.
Linda Nicholls summarized the work of the group on the St. Michael Report.
There was concern about the language of the report and how it might be understandable to people coming to General Synod. The possibility of producing a glossary was mentioned.
There was a concern that receiving the report leads to a “spider’s web of possibilities” that is going to be difficult for people to understand. The results of decision must be made clear to people before they make them.
There was some discussion about whether the report should be coming for approval to General Synod or to CoGS.
Jim Cowan summarized the work of the group on governance.
There was enthusiasm about a conversation on governance and how this affects the mission of the church. There is a desire for the evaluations and the assessments to take place that enable change in our church. There was a desire to be inclusive of aboriginal peoples and youth. The tone was to do something now but as we do so, let us be clear about our purpose.
Members were invited to make comments about the whole day.
Council moved out of committee of the whole.
The Eucharist was concluded.
Council adjourned at 9 p.m.