Extent of Material:
26 cm of textual material.
Administrative History:

The Anglican Church of Canada Resolution Corporation (ACCRC) was incorporated on January 17, 2003 with the primary purpose to operate and manage the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Fund contributed into by The General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada, The Missionary Society of the Anglican Church of Canada (MSCC), and all dioceses in Canada (Anglican Entities) pursuant to the Settlement Agreement (2003) and the Anglican Amending Agreement (2007).  ACCRC is under the management and administration of three trustees appointed by General Synod.

Under the Anglican Amending Agreement the Anglican Entities were required to contribute towards Indian Residential Schools (IRS) Abuse Claims and healing and reconciliation. This payment was to be satisfied by compensation for IRS Abuse Claims and the establishment by ACCRC of a segregated fund, the Anglican Fund for Healing and Reconciliation (AFHR).  These funds are made available for initiatives or programs designed to assist with healing and reconciliation with the approval of the Anglican Fund for Healing and Reconciliation Committee.

Scope and Content:

Fonds consists of corporate documents, minutes of meetings, audited financial statements and other financial records.

Restrictions to Access:
Restrictions apply.
Finding Aids:
Finding aids available.
Anglican Church of Canada. General Synod Archives.

Please contact the Archives for more information on this record.