Extent of Material:
12.50 m of textual records and graphic materials.
Administrative History:

The Anglican Journal is the national newspaper of the Anglican Church of Canada.  It has an independent editorial policy and is published with oversight of the Communications Co-ordinating Committee under the authority of the General Synod.  The Anglican Journal is published once a month, except for July and August.  It acts as a distribution vehicle for 19 regional or “diocesan” newspapers. It is a member of the Canadian Church Press and the Associated Church Press and often wins awards for its journalism.

First published in 1875 as Dominion Churchman and later as Canadian Churchman, the Anglican Journal has a long and respected history.  Historically, it operated under the guidance of a Board of Trustees, then an Advisory Board.  In 2001, The Anglican Journal was separately incorporated and operated under the guidance of the Anglican Journal Board, but still reported to General Synod.  The Anglican Journal Corporation was dissolved in 2012, at which time the Council of General Synod created the Committee for the Anglican Journal, which became a Co-ordinating Committee.  In March 2019, the Anglican Journal Co-ordinating Committee was merged with the Communications and Information Co-ordinating Committee to form the Communications Co-ordinating Committee.

Scope and Content:

Fonds consists of meeting documents and minutes, correspondence, subject files, and administrative files.

Fonds includes the records of the Canadian Churchman, the Anglican Journal, the Anglican Editors Association, and the Canadian Church Calendar (1976-1999)

Restrictions to Access:
Some restrictions apply. Check finding aids for closed files.

GSA holds an incomplete set of originals for the Dominion Churchman and the Canadian Churchman.

GSA holds a complete set of originals for the Anglican Journal.

Microfilm available for Dominion Churchman (Jan. 6, 1876-Dec. 26, 1889), Mf 65-1, Reels 1-10
Microfilm available for Canadian Churchman (Jan. 2, 1890-Dec. 1970), Mf 65-1, Reels 11-61; and (Jan. 1967-Dec. 1978), Mf 78-12, Reel 1-4.
Finding Aids:
Finding aids available.
Anglican Church of Canada. General Synod Archives.
Corporate Names:
Dominion Churchman
Canadian Churchman
Anglican Journal
Geographic Names:

Please contact the Archives for more information on this record.