Interfaith dialogue

Commentary on the importance of interfaith dialogue and its role in the Anglican Church of Canada. Includes contact information for Archdeacon Bruce Myers, the church’s co-ordinator for ecumenical and interfaith relations, as well as a list of interfaith resources.

Jerusalem Sunday resources

A central location for all resources and information on Jerusalem Sunday. Includes videos, prayers, liturgical resources, and photos from the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem.

Job Listings

Current job listings for the Anglican Church of Canada, complete with search function. Ability for associated organizations to post positions.

Liturgical texts in Chinese

Liturgical texts from the Book of Alternative Services, translated by Bishop Patrick Yu for use within the Anglican Church of Canada.

Liturgical Texts Online

The Book of Alternative Services (BAS) and supplementary resources are now available for download. In 2009, the Council of General Synod authorized the online publication of these texts. The goals are to assist liturgy planners and to encourage future web-based work of liturgical text development.

Marks of Mission

Web page for living the Marks of Mission, a framework used to describe and encourage ministry throughout the worldwide Anglican Communion. Includes information about the Marks and their meaning.

Mission and the environment: a video interview with the Primate

Video interview with Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, describing the mission of the church in line with God’s relationship with the earth. The Primate identifies climate change as a moral and spiritual challenge that demands a response from Canadian Anglicans, and calls for a new kind of economic development, nationally … Continued

Mississauga Declaration

Text of the Mississauga Declaration, written on Sept. 17, 2011. Offers an assessment of the state of Indigenous ministry 17 years after the Covenant and a vision for renewal and restoration.

New Agape Project

Table of contents for A New Agape: The Resource Binder, a document offering stories and ideas to promote healing and reconciliation.

Newsletter sign-up

The General Synod and other organizations at Church House run a number of e-mail news lists that may be of interest. Sign up for all lists here.

Online lectionary

Daily BAS and BCP Bible readings from the Anglican Church of Canada’s adaptation of the Revised Common Lectionary.