Partner profile: Jerusalem

Partner profile for the Diocese of Jerusalem, with links to diocesan information, Canadian Anglican connections, ecumenical links, and contacts.

Partner Profile: Melanesia

Partner profile for the Anglican Church of Melanesia. Includes links to information about the Melanesian church, Canadian Anglican connections, and contacts.

Partnership with provinces

List of priorities for the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada in its partnerships with each province of the Anglican Communion, as well as a list of its three closest international partners.

Propers for Mother Emily Ayckbowm

Text for memorial of Mother Emily Ayckbowm, who was added to the Canadian calendar of holy persons in the Book of Alternative Services on April 5 (the day of her founding of The Community of the Sisters of the Church) by a resolution at General Synod 2004.

Report from the International Anglican Conversations on Human Sexuality

Report from conversation of international Anglican bishops called together in 1999 by the Archbishop of Canterbury to meet over a three-year period. Includes points of agreement, disagreement, reflections upon the fruits of the conversation and the conditions that enabled them, topics for further exploration and recommendations from the meeting.

Resource Guide for Discussions on Human Sexuality

Full text of resource guide for discussions on human sexuality, which includes suggestions for establishing discussion guidelines, a gathered list of resources (including study guides, bibliography, and videos from materials gathered by dioceses, the national church and other churches), and terminology definitions for clarification.

Resources for home prayer

To help keep you connected with prayer, faith and community in times of physical distancing, the General Synod (national office) has compiled a number of resources.

Response to the Windsor Report

Response to the Windsor Report, prepared in March 2007 by the Windsor Report Response Group for the Council of General Synod. In its conclusions, the response affirms the importance of having a relationship of trust within the Anglican Communion and that the Windsor Report is part of a process leading towards healing and reconciliation.

Sacred Circle Videos

Video documentaries showing highlights of the national Sacred Circle meetings at which hundreds of Indigenous Anglicans from across Canada have gathered since 1988.

Scripture and Homosexuality

Short collation of essays written for Canadian Anglican discussions or recommended by Canadian dioceses representing variety of perspectives on homosexuality, including the role of scripture.

St. Michael Report

Report of the Primate’s Theological Commission of the Anglican Church of Canada on the Blessing of Same-Sex Unions