The Anglican Church of Canada’s apology for residential schools

Text of the apology of the Anglican Church of Canada for residential schools, as delivered by then-Primate Michael Peers to the National Native Convocation in Minaki, Ont., Friday, Aug. 6, 1993. Includes links to apology in English, French and Indigenous languages, as well as a 2008 video marking the 15th anniversary of the apology.

The Consultation of Anglican Bishops in Dialogue

Background information on the Consultation of Anglican Bishops in Dialogue, a group of bishops from Canada, the United States, England, Scotland and various African countries that began at the 2008 Lambeth Conference

The Lambeth Quadrilateral

Text of the Lambeth Quadrilateral, a statement identified as Resolution 11 from the Lambeth Conference of 1888 that was conceived as a foundation for ecumenical discussion but more recently has been used to outline the basics of Anglican identity.

The Ministry of all the Baptized

Describes the meaning of baptism, quoting passage from Introduction to Baptismal Liturgy in Book of Alternative Services and including liturgical text for baptismal covenant. Discusses baptismal covenant and the catechumenate. Resources are included for baptism, Eucharist and ministry (World Council of Churches document), total or mutual ministry, and other suggested readings.

The Story of Creation: a Sunday School resource

The story of creation is told through the narrative of “Ryan the Rhino” in this Sunday school resource. Contents include background and guidance for teachers, activities and stories to promote stewardship of the environment.

Theology of money

Introduction to On the Theology of Money: A Resource for Study and Discussion, along with a link to download the resource.

Vital and Healthy Parishes report

Report on the 2014 ACC/ELCIC national consultation on vital, healthy parishes and a strategy for national church’s support of parish health and vitality.

We Are Still Here: Responsive Litany

A litany developed by the Primate’s Commission on the Doctrine of Discovery, Justice and Reconciliation for use in community settings, whether in Sunday worship, diocesan or deanery meetings, study groups, or another form of gathering.  

We intend…

We Intend… is a follow-up on the I Intend program that extends individual discipleship to congregational action.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Information on the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, including its goals, traditional period of observance and the role of common prayer. Links are provided for WPCU resources from the Canadian Council of Churches.