Season of Creation 3

Manual for use in churches during the Season of Creation, as well as other parts of the year. Centres on five themes: Climate change, eco-justice, water, creation and redemption, and biodiversity, with each section including sermon notes, collect for the day and liturgical materials. General liturgical materials for the season are also included.

Texts for trial use and feedback

The General Synod of 2010 mandated Faith, Worship, and Ministry to establish a Liturgy Task Force to work on the revision of our contemporary language liturgical texts.

The Iona Report

Report of the Faith, Worship, and Ministry Committee’s Task Force on the Diaconate.

The Ministry of all the Baptized

Describes the meaning of baptism, quoting passage from Introduction to Baptismal Liturgy in Book of Alternative Services and including liturgical text for baptismal covenant. Discusses baptismal covenant and the catechumenate. Resources are included for baptism, Eucharist and ministry (World Council of Churches document), total or mutual ministry, and other suggested readings.

Vital and Healthy Parishes report

Report on the 2014 ACC/ELCIC national consultation on vital, healthy parishes and a strategy for national church’s support of parish health and vitality.

Waterloo Ministries Directory

Directory of Canadian Anglican-Lutheran ministries that gives expression to the 2001 Waterloo Declaration through a shared list of facilities, programs, worship, clergy, and more. A PDF version of the directory is available for download.

We Are Still Here: Responsive Litany

A litany developed by the Primate’s Commission on the Doctrine of Discovery, Justice and Reconciliation for use in community settings, whether in Sunday worship, diocesan or deanery meetings, study groups, or another form of gathering.  

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Information on the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, including its goals, traditional period of observance and the role of common prayer. Links are provided for WPCU resources from the Canadian Council of Churches.