The Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth (CLAY) Gathering is a program of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) and the Anglican Church in Canada bringing together youth age 14-19 years old and their leaders for programming related to a certain theme.
Preface describes establishment and mandate of Primate’s Commission on Theological Education and Formation for Presbyteral Ministry, purpose of document, overall competencies for ordination to the priesthood in the Anglican Church of Canada and lists members, consultants and staff in Commission.
List of educational institutions affiliated with church along with leaders and contact information. Institutions are classified as universities, colleges, theological colleges, residences, distance education and/or indigenous education.
The National Youth Project (NYP) is a program led by the ELCIC and the ACC to engage young people in a particular issue related to peace and justice.
List and descriptions of resources for group-based theological study in use within church dioceses, with invitation to contact Eileen Scully with helpful additions.