Henry Budd College for Ministry

The Henry Budd College for Ministry in the Diocese of Brandon is offering the following course to equip individuals for ministry in the church, and for service in their communities this winter term. 

Indigenous Christology with the Rev. Ray Aldred, Indigenous Studies Program at Vancouver School of Theology, Intensive Course
April 2–5, 10 am to 4 pm

This course will examine the work and person of Jesus Christ through an Indigenous worldview. It is open to all Indigenous people and those who minster with Indigenous peoples. The course is fully funded so there is no tuition cost, but you must commit to the entire course. Due to the intense nature of the material, students should stay in The Pas/OCN for the week. Accommodation for the week will be available at Henry Budd College, or in homes in the community. This course may be taken for VST credit.

You do not have to be Indigenous or Anglican to take courses at the Henry Budd College. Courses can be taken for personal interest and growth ($50) or for Henry Budd College Diploma in Theology credit ($200). Bursaries are available.

If you are interested in enrolling in this course, please contact Kara at Henry Budd College 204-623-3311 or email at hbcm@mymts.net.

Dr. William Winter School for Ministry

The Dr. William Winter School for Ministry has been providing Indigenous peoples’ training for ministry in the Diocese of the Indigenous Spiritual Ministry of Mishamikoweesh for more than 30 years. The school was created to facilitate the long-term vision of self determination amongst First Nations Anglicans in Northern Ontario and Manitoba. For more information on upcoming courses and workshops, contact Bishop Larry Beardy at lijbeardy@hotmail.com or Bishop Lydia Mamakwa at lydiam@kingfisherlake.ca.