All Saints Anglican Church, Ladner

Dear Heavenly Father:  As the Synod 2019 gathers, be there in Spirit to guide those who make their vote on the three topics.  Thank you that we acknowledge the injustices done to the Indigenous people of this country in the name of Christ.  We repent and ask for forgiveness so that we may carry on … Continued

Deanery of Kingsway, Diocese of New Westminster

My prayer for the church is that we will live out boldly Jesus call to love one another. That we be less afraid of death than we are of resurrection. That we may be one, as Christ + the Father are one. That we all may be one. That a spirit of respect and forbearance … Continued

St James’ Mothers’ Union, Vancouver

Jesus, our Brother, We thank you for choosing us to be your friends here in the Mothers’ Union at St James’. Help us to support and love one another, as we rejoice in and honour our diversity. Shine in and through us as a beacon of light, that others may find you in us, and … Continued

St. John’s Shaughnessy, Vancouver

O God, You call us to love one another with a compassion and charity for all people.  Help us find the strength to live out faith, hope, and love.  We as this in the name of the one through whom we are called.  Amen.