Holy Trinity North Gower, Ottawa

We pray to continue to show God’s love to the world and to continue the Anglican tradition in our area in a spirit of loving hope. We pray for discernment of God’s purpose so our Church may grow.  

Holy Trinity, Hawkesbury

That we continue to grow to be accepting and tolerant and reach further that the Anglican Church. That we be a model to be less insular and more accessible in the information age. To keep on having a presence in the community.

Holy Trinity, Hawkesbury

More acceptance with different groups Difference of belief become less important than showing love and acceptance with one another Do onto others as we would like to be treated Help more people/groups less fortunate that need our help Sharing what we have to other Having our Church for generations to come That everyone at church … Continued

Holy Trinity, Hawkesbury

more young people welcoming – outreach to the community all 5 congregations in our parish feel as One that we are more involved in our Christian community as Christians not only as Anglicans

Parish of Bearbrook-Navan-Blackburn

Dear Jesus, Thank you for your church. We raise our heartfelt prayer for the church to you. Please help our still-fragile 3-point parish thrive, and grow! We pray that attendance and volunteerism at our small rural churches would increase, that young families would join and find value in Christian education, and that respect among people … Continued

Parish of South Carleton, Diocese of Ottawa

As a result of our conversations regarding the Heartbeat of the Church, our heartfelt prayer for the church is: That our faith communities will be a safe haven and sanctuary to those in need and that we will show God’s love to the world through both our words and our actions; That we will have … Continued

St John the Evangelist, Ottawa

We pray that we may continue to grow as an open-minded, inclusive and loving community, and to embrace people and ideas as we seek to be compassionate agents of change in the broader world.

St Margaret’s Vanier, Ottawa

We pray for the church to find relevance for everyone to feel welcomed and comforted at church, and to be accepted in their unique needs without having to conform to social pressure for an understanding that comfort and welcome means different things to different people for an understanding that we have different hopes for youth … Continued

St Matthew’s Anglican Church in the Glebe

Our heartfelt prayer for the church: May we be unified in God’s infinite love and strengthened as a community; May our hearts and minds be transformed so that we strive for justice in the world and show compassion in all relationships; May the Lord show us the path for the future and give us hope; May … Continued

St Paul’s Kanata / Christ Church Ashton

Loving Creator, we pray that everyone feel / believe they are a beloved child of God who sees, believes in, and cares about you; that we can open ourselves up to the potential of the new creation before us, trusting that which is birthed is inspired, grace-filled, and outward-focused; that we can be honest about … Continued

St Paul’s, Kanata / Christ Church, Ashton Ont.

Loving Creator, we pray that everyone feel / believe they are a beloved child of God who sees, believes in, and cares about you; that we can open ourselves up to the potential of the new creation before us, trusting that which is birthed is inspired, grace-filled, and outward-focused; that we can be honest about … Continued

St. Helen’s Anglican Church, Ottawa

O Holy One, as we celebrate the richness of our sacramental worship and Anglican traditions, inspire us also to change and grow in faith and ministry, in Christ’s grace and service. May we continue to strive to be a ‘church without walls’, inclusive and welcoming diversity, open to explore new challenges and opportunities. Guided, strengthened … Continued

St. Helen’s, Orleans

“Love one another as I love you, my friends” That our church continue to be a place where your Holy Spirit is encountered daily: Where people laugh till they cry and cry till they laugh: Where your fruitful vine embraces everyone. Open our hearts and minds to know you and always begin anew in your … Continued

St. Helen’s, Ottawa

Our prayer for our church in the 21st Century: That we may reach younger people, for inspired leaders for youth ministry, that we may be welcoming and responsive to young people, that our church might reach younger generations that they may experience the joy of knowing our Lord. That programs that rejuvenate and empower new … Continued

St. John the Baptist, Richmond Ont.

Dear God our Creator, we are thankful for all the ways that you bless us as a parish. We know that you have chosen us to do your work in the world, and that even when we fall short, you continue to be there for us. Help us to share the Good News with all … Continued