A prayer from Grace, Toronto

In prayer to the Virgin Mary, may we pray in gratitude for Divine Grace — Virtue as a gift from God for truth in mankind.  May we help our family and friends live in remembrance for the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the Great Flood, so that we may live through the righteous hand of … Continued

Church of the Holy Trinity, Guildwood

For an open, welcoming, dynamic, revolutionary, loving church where more people attend and realize the lessons to be learned; spread the word, receive words of comfort and inspiration; clarity about the church mission and objective – to know what is true.

Sisterhood of St. John the Divine, Toronto

Loving God, as members of the Anglican Church, we pray for grace that we will model our lives closely on the way of Jesus Christ and that we will continue to strive to live in harmony with each other in these difficult times.  Help us to live together in peaceful service, to continue to work … Continued

St John the Evangelist Trinity Ladies Group

We pray that: The worldwide Anglican Church continues to work to become more inclusive to all peoples An effort is made to reach young people through more public avenues We continue to reach out to the elderly, the shut-ins, the sick and the lonely, with loving communication and care Strong leadership remains a priority and … Continued

St. John’s Convent, Toronto

God of all hopefulness, we pray that the Church will continue to take bold steps forward, letting go of the fears of our past to embrace what could be in the imagination of the Holy and enlivening Spirit. Amen. Loving God, we pray for peace and unity in the Church, for how good and pleasant … Continued

St. John’s Convent, Toronto

“May our Church be a place where everyone is accepted as a beloved child of God, and Love of God, neighbour and self are not just preached but also practised. May it be a place where we can learn how to be loving towards one another, a place where people feel safe enough to share … Continued

St. John’s Convent, Toronto

Loving God, who binds us together in the Spirit and draws us into friendship with Jesus, may we reach out as courageous disciples to seek and serve Christ in all people, sharing the good news of the gospel and helping others become your faithful disciples.

The Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Toronto

Our heartfelt prayer for the Church is its continuance through the time we find ourselves in. The Church’s longevity is a manifestation of its greatness and truth, like a great piece of art and a thousand year old grove of olive trees. We pray for the Church to be strong for people to stay involved … Continued