Reports, Statements & Resolutions
History of Statements and Resolutions of the House of Bishops, National Executive and Council of General Synod about Homosexuality 1978 to Present.
General Synod resolutions related to issues of sexuality 1989 – 2007
A final report from the International Anglican Conversations on Human Sexuality
Report from a conversation of international Anglican Bishops called together in 1999 by the Archbishop of Canterbury to meet over a three-year period.
Resources for Study & Discussion
St. Michael Report & Study Guide
The St. Michael Report of the Primate’s Theological Commission was released in May 2005. A Study Guide was prepared by the Faith, Worship & Ministry Committee of General Synod to help explore the report. Responses to the report were collated and considered in preparation for General Synod in Winnipeg 2007.
A Resource Guide for Discussions on Human Sexuality
Produced by the Faith, Worship and Ministry (FWM) Committee of the Anglican Church of Canada to help dioceses and parishes engage in discussions on human sexuality.
- Includes study materials and links to other sources.
- Updated bibliography
Scripture and Homosexuality
Dioceses in The Anglican Church of Canada have been engaged for many years in discussions around homosexuality, including the role of scripture. This list is a short collation of essays written for Canadian Anglican discussions or recommended by Canadian dioceses representing a variety of perspectives.
Other Information
Questions & answers on the blessing of same-sex relationships
From the media kit prepared for General Synod 2007
Voices of Our Church
In the interests of sharing the variety of voices across the Anglican Church of Canada this page offers information relating to discussions of the blessing of same-sex unions, homosexuality and the church from a variety of sources.