In addition to the books listed in the Diocese of Toronto Bibliography the following are more recent contributions to the ongoing discussions:

Longing for God: Wrestling with God: Book 1 Anglicans Talk About Revelation, Nature, Culture and Authority, The Primate’s Theological Commission, ed. Robert Crouse, 2001, Anglican Book Centre. The Commission has produced sets of theological reflections on key areas of Christian faith. Each set includes reflections from a series of Anglicans representing some of the diversity held in our Church. Includes questions for discussion.

Congregations Talking about Homosexuality: Dialogue on a Difficult Issue ed. Beth Ann Gaede, 1998 The Alban Institute. A collection of essays to help congregations engage in dialogue. Easy to read & practical.

This Far by Grace. Bishop J. Neil Alexander, Cowley Publications, 2003. ABishop speaks about his journey of faith and struggling with the issues around homosexuality and same-sex blessings. Personal, relatively short, easy to read.

Christian Attitudes to Marriage: From Ancient Times to the Third Millennium by Peter Coleman. SCM Press, London, 2004. An historical overview of marriage through the ages indicating the relationship between society, state, and church from early history to the 20th Century.

Living Together in the Church: Including our Differences. Greig Dunn & Chris Ambidge, ed. Anglican Book Centre, Toronto, 2004. A collection of essays encouraging the process of dialogue in a time of deep differences.

Open Hearts, Open Arms: A Resource Guide for Pastoral Care to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Persons and their Loved Ones. Vivian Stang, Task Group on Gays and Lesbians, Diocese of Ottawa. 2007. A sensitive guide for clergy, parish leaders and pastoral care givers.


Homosexuality, Science and the “Plain Sense” of Scripture David Balch. Eerdmans, 2000. A collection of essays exploring scripture and science from a diversity of perspectives including exploration of the appropriate use of scientific data in discussions.

Science, Scripture & Homosexuality Bellis, Alice O. & Terry L. Hufford. . Pilgrim Press, 2002.

Jesus, the Bible & Homosexuality: Explode the Myths, Heal the Church Jack Rogers,. . Westminster John Knox, 2006. An examination of biblical issues from a Presbyterian perspective.

A Question of Truth: Christianity & Homosexuality Moore, Gareth. Continuum, 2003. An exploration of concerns re homosexuality from an open Roman Catholic perspective, critiquing natural law arguments among others.

Many Members, Yet One Body: Committed Same-Gender Relationships and the Mission of the Church by Craig L. Nessan. Fortress Press, 2004. For congregational discussion (Lutheran) of some of the challenges the church is facing. Identifies the nature of the conflicts between opposing views and invites discussion.

Homosexuality & The Bible: Two Views Dano Via, and Robert A.J. Gagnon. . Augsburg Fortress, 2003. A short, easily read dialogue between two scholars from different viewpoints on scripture and homosexuality.

Faithful Conversation: Christian Perspectives on Homosexuality ed. James M. Childs, Jr.. Fortress Press, 2003. A collection of essays from Lutheran seminaries in the USA as part of the Lutheran discussions on homosexuality. Written for parish discussion with questions at each essay end.

An Acceptable Sacrifice? Homosexuality and the Church Edited By Duncan Dormor and Jeremy Morris. Foreword: Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu. SPCK Publishing, London, 2007. A collection of essays by nine Cambridge theologians who view the discussions as important but not church-dividing.

Ex-Gay Research: Analysing the Spitzer Study and its relation to Science, Religion, Politics & Culture. J.Drescher, ed. Haworth Press, 2006. An extensive collection of papers responding to the research study on conversion from homosexuality to heterosexuality as reported by Dr. Robert Spitzer in 2001.

A Time to Embrace: Same-Gender Relationships in Religion, Law & Politics. William Stacy Johnson, Eerdmans, 2006.


Sex in the Bible: A New Consideration Harold J Ellens,. Praeger Publishers, 2006.
A review of broad spectrum of human sexuality including monogamy, adultery, same-sex relationships. Easily read, thorough presentation.

Christian Perspectives on Sexuality and Gender Elisabeth Stuart & Adrian Thatcher, Eerdmans, 1996. Collection of essays on a wide range of concerns regarding human sexuality.

Reforming Theological Anthropology: After the Philosophical Turn to Relationality LeRon F Schultz, W.B. Eerdmans, 2003. An in depth study of being human in light of recent philosophical shifts. Interesting look at St. Augustine in light of these shifts.

Sex, Gender and Christian Ethics. Lisa Sowle Cahill. Cambridge University Press, 1996. A review of Christian and feminist responses to gender and sexuality affirming the move to gender equality while critiquing the individualist turn of ethics at the expense of community and its needs.

Family: A Christian Sociological Perspective. Lisa Sowle Cahill. 2000. A biblical,
historical exploration of the ‘family’ in light of current challenges.

According to the Scriptures: Challenge of Using the Bible in Social, Moral & Political
Questions J.W. Rogerson, 2006

A Sense of Sexuality: Christian Love and Intimacy, Evelyn Eaton Whitehead & James D. Whitehead. Doubleday, 1989. Explores intimacy, pleasure and passion to discover the wisdom of a Christian vision that is good news. Written for Roman Catholic readership.


Biological Foundations of Human Sexuality William Masters, & Virginia Johnson, Kolodny, Robert. 1993.

Understanding Human Sexuality Janet Shibley Hyde, (Textbook) McGraw Hill, 2005

Human Sexuality in a world of diversity Spencer Rathus, et al…(Textbook) Pearson Education. 4th Edition. 2007.

Ever Since Adam & Eve: the evolution of human sexuality Malcolm Potts, and Robert Short. 1999. A descriptive historical review of human sexuality through a sociological lens.

Psychological Perspectives on Human Sexuality. Lenore T. Szuchman, and Frank Muscarella, ed. 2000. A wide ranging exploration of human sexuality from a psychological perspective. Chapter 5 (authors: Alan L. Ellis and Robert W. Mitchell) offers an excellent summary of the current state of scientific and psychological material on sexual identity, orientation, research issues and conversion therapies.
