Staff Contact: Eileen Scully, Director, Faith, Worship, and Ministry [email protected]

Educational Institutions Affiliated with the Anglican Church of Canada
Links to schools offering degree and non-degree programs in theology that are recognized by the Anglican Church of Canada.

The Ministry of all the Baptized
Baptism is a coming into the Body of Christ, in which we become members of one another and of Christ – it is about who we are in Christ, and whose we are: God’s own. In baptism we are gathered…and sent forth, in the ministry that is God’s own ministry of transformation, reconciliation, healing and salvation of the world. So, baptism is not just about identity and belonging, it’s also about being sent in mission and ministry.

Faith Seeking Understanding – to nurture baptismal life and ministry
A listing and brief descriptions of a variety of programs and resources available across the Anglican Church of Canada to assist in adult faith formation, and deepening understanding of the Christian faith in the Anglican context.

Ordered Ministries
Information on the three orders of ministry: deacons, priests, and bishops.
