Staff Contact: Eileen Scully, Director, Faith, Worship, and Ministry

Resources and Publications

List of Bible Versions Approved by the House of Bishops for use in Public Worship in the Anglican Church of Canada
Most recent change: 1991, with addition of New Revised Standard Version and the Revised English Bible.

Liturgy and Anglican Identity
A resource to encourage reflection on diversity and unity in Anglican worship. Initially developed by the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation, it now contains a study guide that is useful for parish discussion groups, to assist them in reflecting on their worship lives as a community. It is particularly helpful for thinking cross-culturally and multiculturally within communities.

Make Preparation: Liturgy Planning Notes. Authored by Paul Gibson as liturgical officer of the Anglican Church of Canada, he contributed significantly to the development of the Book of Alternative Services and Common Praise.

Reflections on Anglican Church of Canada Authorized Versions of the Bible
Reflections on the Bible as a ‘translation’ book, with particular attention to the English translations that have been authorized for use for public worship in the Anglican Church of Canada, and is offered for reflection.

Thinking about worship
A list of various resources to deepen your reflection on and practice of Anglican worship.

Worship Resources
Liturgical texts, calendar additions, lectionaries, seasonal and special occasion resources and indigenous liturgical resources.

Task Forces and Committees

Liturgy Task Force
The Liturgy Task Force was mandated by the General Synod 2010 to work on the revision of all contemporary language liturgical texts of the Anglican Church of Canada. The Principles for Liturgical Revision guiding their long-term work were approved by General Synod 2010 at the request of the General Synod 2007. View the rationale for liturgical revision.