Consultations convened by FWM over the year 2000, held Provincially. Recommendations are collated from the four Consultations, and were the substance of a report received by General Synod 2001.

  1. Articulate the theology of the Church’s metaphorical and dynamic center which is scriptural and sacramental and defines the Church’s inclusive nature; articulate statement regarding an authentic core for liturgical unity, based on the gospel (Scripture) and historic faith, ready for presentation at General Synod, that could become a criterion for future liturgical revision/evaluation in the Anglican Church of Canada; form a task force to include liturgists and cultural representation as well as bishops; encourage and facilitate dialogue on this rather than a statement which disenfranchises people
  2. Make the BAS and related or similar resources available on CD-ROM; make computers and computer training accessible; motion to release BAS and BCP material copyrights held by the national church, and to direct ABC to publish on CD ROM
  3. Split the BAS into two sets of resources; one pew edition that includes the main public liturgies, and one that contains everything, or everything else, i.e. lesser used, or less publicly used, elements
  4. Develop a clear skeleton/framework of each liturgy; careful, clear and cautious guidelines for the structures of eucharists to be created in the communities and authorized by the Ordinary; develop a flexible, user-friendly, non-book Anglican liturgy (overheads, leaflets; no vestments, praise bands as options; Service of the Word and Eucharist); see how ‘skeleton’ liturgy in American BCP (Rite 3) has been used to see if it might be a feature we could use to promote (preserve?) Anglican identity; explore feasibility of and timeline (including resolutions to General Synod)for developing a Book of Common Order that incorporates resources from BCP, BAS and other authorized publications and provides templates for Services of the Word, Eucharist, Baptism, Marriages, Funerals, and is available as an inexpensive publication and/or CD ROM/website in order to provide a unifying order which allows for diversity while maintaining Tradition without stifling creativity or innovation; study existing ‘directories’ in Canada and the Anglican Communion, and develop a permissive liturgical service framework (recipe) to enable local churches to reach out liturgically with integrity in the ethos and vernacular of the people surrounding them; ask General Synod 2001 to approve for use, where authorized by the Ordinary, the proposed liturgical directory (structure); give churches (i.e. parishes) authority to use alternative eucharistic and non-eucharistic liturgies using an approved framework like Rite III ECUSA that would be more inclusive, flexible and user-friendly (see summary, p.22)
  5. Develop/make available resources for healing services; develop healing teams of people trained and used in the diocese; make available copies of various liturgies, resources and processes for healing and reconciliation currently being used; identify resource people; make liturgy for healing and reconciliation, and prayers for the sick a priority
  6. Make available translations of everything for the various languages of the various Canadian congregations; translation services: before any new liturgy is printed, Inuktituk speakers need to have access to what already exists; identify resource people; fund liturgical translations; fund resource translations; prioritize translation projects; undertake needs assessment
  7. Identify (through a consultative process) and develop what is needed in addition to the BAS and BCP; develop a library of approved and authorized liturgies, including the best of both BCP and BAS, suitably updated and modified, for publication, either in print (in binders) or electronically (CD-ROM, floppy disc), or both, as soon as possible (3-5 years); a central data base is needed, a liturgical resource authorized by the national church and shared by each diocesan office, to be downloaded according to need; resources which explore contemporary, scientific, Celtic, native “natural” metaphors for the Divine and the activity of the Divine; authorize a process for use of materials from other countries’ Anglican churches; authorize a personal daily office resource (i.e. Celebrating Common Prayer); develop a library/list of approved and authorized liturgies electronically and in print; enable the local people of God to develop liturgies in response to communal needs/concerns, and to share what works well in the diocese or more broadly by internet; at every level Create, Share, Edit, Revise, Learn, Empower, Challenge, Critique; publication of liturgical resources – a) sent with Ministry Matters; b) set up liturgical section on national web page with texts to download; c) work with House of Bishops;  develop new forms of worship sensitive to the needs of: indigenous communities, youth, charismatic renewal, healing ministry; resources and guidelines for worship; provide access for every congregation in the country to all the resources it needs to worship in beauty, satisfaction, effectiveness and truth; networking (ecumenically…), partnerships, twinning, resource sharing etc.; encourage dioceses to list and assess resources and pass on the information; establish an assessment process and website and its maintenance; publicize its existence, both as a resource and as something to add (contribute) to; collaborate with dioceses in cataloging currently recognized resources; explore developing resource kit on ‘finding the peoples’ song’ and/or teaching new music
  8. Invest less in texts and more in how we do the eucharists (i.e. liturgical workshops, education); video resources and education kits (complete and user friendly, respecting variety of learning styles, including understanding our roots, the why as well as the what, employ skilled educators); provide supplementary manual for each book to enable users to use them to the fullest effect; provide supplementary guidelines for the fullest present day utilization of each book; develop and provide materials to help congregations think about space and movement, and adapting spaces in existing churches with sensitivity to what’s there, and to the community; resource for further teaching and discussion on metaphor; a resource on science and its metaphors to help preachers; identify resource people; take steps to ensure that priests are adequately trained to lead worshipping communities (e.g. standards, curacy, internships, supervision, mentoring etc.; attend to standards for theological and liturgical education; develop or recommend suitable resources for lay liturgy training; training for lay ministers of all kinds (regional seminars, net-working (ecumenically…), partnerships, twinning, etc.); educational resources, (conferences, workshops), books, websites, people; diocesan talent banks; approve concept and fund and develop “Educated Anglicans: a liturgical/theological education kit” to be delivered in each diocese by a national trainer beginning with clergy, then lay leaders; finance and develop and publicize a well-assessed resource database of training resources for a variety of liturgical ministries: reading (proclamation); welcomers; homilies; music (small parishes, large parishes); intercessions; administrants; deacons; networking, email groups, website, hard copy; provide local leadership; encourage dioceses to list and assess resources and pass on the information; establish an assessment process and website and its maintenance; publicize its existence, both as a resource and as something to add (contribute) to; collaborate with dioceses in cataloging currently recognized resources; provide educational opportunities in liturgy and music that equip us to offer our best in worship; develop regional events, regional resource teams; develop resources, research and recommend resources – for presider/congregation and musicians; do-it-yourself kit which might include video; provide supplementary sets of guidelines for the fullest present day utilization of both books; add new section to web site for adult education resources;
  9. Use the RCL throughout our church; work on the implications of the lectionary for the calendar e.g. commemorations; Transfiguration Sunday; that the RCL become the official lectionary of the Anglican Church of Canada; that the Calendar/Sanctorale be adjusted to reflect the RCL (especially with respect to Transfiguration/Last Sunday after Epiphany; revise calendar; educate clergy.
  10. Biblical literacy programme; multi-media resources for biblical catechesis (video, CD ROM, Websites etc.); identify resource people; that biblical literacy and theological understanding be increased at all levels, especially adults; evaluate and commend adult education resources; web site provide and maintain an annotated catalogue of resources, including web links
  11. Revise BCP; by those who love the BCP and use it; inclusive language; plus develop contemporary version of the Holy Communion service; identify resource people; resist revising BCP at this time and instead provide mechanisms through which areas of concern in each book could be addressed and liturgies modified and enhanced; reaffirm the canonical status of the BCP; maintain integrity of the BCP; as part of new resources, in consultation with PBSC a judicious revision (by those who love and use the BCP) of selected BCP services: Holy Communion, Baptism, Confirmation, and Burial Office, to include gender-inclusive language with respect to people; baptism, confirmation and burial set in context of Holy Communion in Tudor English and contemporary English; services for Holy Week in Tudor English; we endorse the principle of revision of the BCP, but advise against its revision in this generation; status of the BCP as the official book of worship needs urgent revision
  12. Revise the BAS; BAS should contain a contemporary language version of the BCP Eucharist; resist revising BAS at this time and instead provide mechanisms through which areas of concern in each book could be addressed and liturgies modified and enhanced; authorize the continued use of the BAS
  13. Provision for Eucharist in Isolated Communities (explore lay presidency, nature of ordination, nature of eucharist as sacrament); a validated way of providing communion in isolated communities (other than semi-permanent use of distribution of reserved sacrament); an improved service for distribution of the reserved sacrament; an investigation of the nature of ordinations (orders), sacraments; possibility of direct ordination to the priesthood (especially non-stipendiary); come and see the need
  14. Develop and provide a means to enable people to get together and talk to each other more about these things; an internet connection so we can ‘chat’ and research new metaphors to brighten and freshen old ones; develop regional events; from the experience of the initial consultations, develop a consultative process/model to facilitate dialogue in dioceses, parishes, provinces; develop a kit with instructions, examples, preparation involved etc.; identify resource people; refine and focus more intensively on a fewer number of possible directions; refine and develop concrete proposals; make available recommended rules/principles for dialogue/conversation (see p.17 of summary) eg. new Westminster’s kaleidescope process; covenant for dialogue based on ‘corporate’ statement of the baptismal covenant; bring Open Space process to other levels (diocese, parish); take plan of action to Diocesan Councils, and where appropriate, diocesan Doctrine and Worship Committees

Liturgy After 2001: Report and Recommendations from the Liturgical Consultations

In the fall of 2000, Faith Worship and Ministry requested that the House of Bishops and the Council of General Synod consider the reports and recommendations from the liturgical consultations which were held in the spring and summer. It also made some specific recommendations about follow-up.
The FWM resolution reads: “That

  1. The House of Bishops and CoGS receive and discuss the reports and recommendations of the four provincial worship consultations.
  2. Consideration be given by the House of Bishops, CoGS, and General Synod to an effective means by which regional liturgical forums might be established which can meet regularly and continue to address the recommendations made by the consultations. Such forums might include representatives from each diocese with adequate indigenous and youth representation, at least two diocesan bishops, regional members of FWM, and Anglican liturgists and theologians from the region.
  3. General Synod be asked to extend approval for the use of the BAS until such time as General Synod determines otherwise.
  4. The House of Bishops address the issue of a unifying common lectionary for the ACC, including necessary revisions to the calendar/sanctorale.”

Summary of the Consultations

“As a means of enabling the Canadian Church to address a number of significant issues arising from the expiry of the mandate for the BAS in 2001, four provincial consultations on Worship after 2001 were held. A total of 107 diocesan delegates participated (65 were men (61%) and 42 were women (39%); 58 were clergy (54%) and 49 were not ordained (46%); 8 delegates were aboriginal and 2 were francophone; 21 attended the consultation at Sorrento Centre, BC (British Columbia &Yukon, which included the Alberta dioceses of Rupert’s Land; 23 attended the consultation at the Dr. Jessie Saulteaux Centre in Beausejour MB (Rupert’s Land), 32 attended the consultation at Thorneloe University, Sudbury (Ontario) and 31 attended the consultation at Villa Madonna in Renforth NB (Canada).Of the 30 dioceses, only 3 did not send delegates; 13 diocesan delegations included a bishop, commissary or diocesan staff person.
A variety of local partners including ecumenical partners, and an ACIP partner also participated, along with several FWM committee members and national staff.
The hoped for outcomes of the consultations were that they provide an opportunity for participants to speak and share their hopefulness about possibilities for our common worship life, and for Faith, Worship and Ministry Committee members to be attentive to the conversation, and gather information to share in preparation for General Synod 2001, and that they encourage and enable participants to continue the conversation in their dioceses and parishes.
The hopes that were expressed by the four consultations for the future of worship in the Anglican Church of Canada were as follows:
B.C. and Yukon: that worship has integrity and interprets traditions in cultural settings without violating either; that it is a transforming experience, and an encounter with the living God.
Rupert’s Land: that our worship respects both our diversity and our common tradition; that it is a relevant part of daily life (Sunday a.m. – rest of the week); and that it enables us to be in the presence of God with trust.
Ontario: that our worship become accessible and open to seekers and the disenfranchised as well as to the current church family; that our worship be evocative (beautiful, honest, joyful, formative); that the church while grounded in the faith and tradition of the wider Church, reflects and embodies the culture of the local community; and that Anglican worship be lively, engaging, spirited, with a sense of passion and purpose.
Canada: that our worship would mediate more of God’s love and presence to all people; that the Anglican Church would be more flexible and relevant to contemporary diversity; that there be a core/centre of liturgical unity.
To further these hopes for the future of Anglican worship in Canada, the consultations made a number of recommendations, several of which emerged from many or all of the consultations.

Recommendations gathered from consultations:

The strong recommendation emerging from all four provincial consultations was that no major revision of either BAS or BCP be undertaken at this time. Rather, the recommendations regarding the direction of liturgical development in Canada focused on the following:

  • developing a means or model for continuing the consultative process throughout the church to identify what revision (modification or enhancement) of our authorized texts is necessary, to identify what is needed in addition to our authorized texts and in particular, where applicable, to prioritize translation projects of authorized texts
  • developing and providing access to a library of authorized liturgical resources through gathering authorized liturgical resources already in use around the country and in the communion; assessing new liturgical resources in regard to Anglican theology, liturgy, mission and our ecumenical partnerships ;
  • developing service templates which would outline a common shape to Canadian Anglican liturgical rites, and give more freedom for experimentation with regard to particular texts
  • enabling and encouraging development of new liturgical resources for use within the framework given by these templates, including resources for healing services and worship resources for children and youth.
  • developing and providing resources for widespread, ongoing education and training for liturgical planning and leadership
  • addressing the issue of a unifying common lectionary for the ACC, including necessary revisions to the calendar/sanctorale.”