In the Anglican Church of Canada, Freedom Sunday shines light on the connections between human trafficking, labour exploitation, and missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, and 2SLGBTQI+ persons. Everywhere, people of faith express compassion and solidarity with trafficked peoples through prayer, bible study and worship, and by making commitments to tackle these dehumanizing crimes.
*** This day is usually observed close to National Human Trafficking Awareness Day (February 22), but resources may be adapted for other Sundays near:
- June 21, National Indigenous Peoples Day
- July 30, UN World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
- August 12, International Youth Day
- November 20, National Child Day
- December 10, UN Human Rights Day
Ways to participate
Lord of the lost, we pray today for all those who are victims of human trafficking: people lured from their homes and families; people deceived while trying to find a better life; people who are desperate to trust anyone. Help us to be more vigilant and watchful; to be aware of those who may need our help, and those who do not know where help may lie. Amen. (via the Clewer Initiative)
Exodus 3:7-8 – I have heard the cries of my people
- More Precious – National Youth Project Join youth and leaders across the country in learning about the issues of human trafficking.
- Stolen People – Sacred Teaching Podcast “We have been separated from our Spirit”. Murdered and Missing – how it must stop.
- Anglican Church of Canada resources on addressing human trafficking
How does our parish prevent human trafficking? How does our parish encourage and support healthy relationships?
- Learn the signs of human trafficking.
- Advertise the Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline in your congregation and throughout the community
- Purchase ethically sourced products and services for your parish. Fair Trade coffee and tea are a great place to start.
- Support local organizations and networks engaged with populations made vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation.
- More Precious – National Youth Project: Join youth and leaders across the country in learning about the issues of human trafficking.
- The Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking is a national charity dedicated to ending all types of human trafficking in Canada
- KAIROS is committed to work addressing the causes of forced migration, while promoting a climate of dignity and welcome for uprooted people.
- Sexual Exploitation Working Group of the Canadian Council of Churches: As people of faith we believe in the human rights and the emancipation of persons everywhere.