The installation of the Ven. Alan T. Perry as general secretary, livestreamed at the Council of General Synod meeting, Nov. 2020.

Most people think of General Synod as a meeting held every three years. It is always a wonderful event, which brings together committed, faithful Anglicans from across Canada to worship, learn, build relationships, and make decisions about the life of our church at the national level. But General Synod is much more than a splendid meeting. It’s people—staff and volunteers—engaged in God’s mission.

It’s people addressing climate change and human trafficking, and developing worship resources, from new forms of liturgy to an online Lessons and Carols service. It’s people connecting with our partners around the Anglican Communion, with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, and engaging in ecumenical and interfaith dialogues. It’s reconciliation, and supporting the emerging self-determining Indigenous church. It’s tackling racism and promoting dignity for all humankind. It’s people telling the story of what God is doing through us and in us as Anglican Christians.

This is possible only through the generous support of Anglicans across Canada, who give time, treasure and talent to support God’s work. Most financial support for General Synod comes from the dioceses, who share part of the support they receive from parishes. But individuals also help through Giving with Grace.

My heartfelt thanks to all who generously support General Synod through prayers, committee work or financial contributions. It’s a privilege to work with staff and volunteers who pursue God’s call to the Anglican Church of Canada’s mission. 

[signed] Allan T. Perry +

The Venerable Alan T. Perry
General Secretary


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