Council of General Synod 2016-2019
Province of Canada
- The Rt. Rev. Bruce Myers, Bishop Co-Adjutor, Quebec
- The Rev. Canon David Burrows,Clergy, Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador
- Ms. Katie Puxley, Laity, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
- Mr. Larry Renouf,Laity, Western Newfoundland and Labrador
- Ms. Rachel Barrett,Youth, Fredericton
Province of Ontario
- The Rt. Rev. John Chapman, Bishop, Ottawa
- The Rev. Canon Kevin Robertson, Clergy, Toronto
- Canon Grace Delaney, Laity, Moosonee
- Ms. Susan Little, Laity, Niagara
- Ms. Siobhan Bennett, Youth, Niagara
Province of Rupert’s Land
- The Rt. Rev. Fraser Lawton, Bishop, Athabasca
- The Rt. Rev. Mark MacDonald, Bishop, Mishamikoweesh
- The Rev. Vincent Solomon, Clergy, Rupert’s Land
- Mr. Jason Antonio, Laity, Qu’Appelle
- Mr. John Rye, Laity, Saskatchewan
- Ms. Lucy Young, Laity, Arctic
- Mr. Graham Ward, Youth, Edmonton
Province of British Columbia & Yukon
- The Rt. Rev. Larry Robertson, Bishop, Yukon
- The Rev. Clara Plamondon, Clergy, British Columbia
- Ms. Melanie Delva, Laity, New Westminster
- Dr. Randall Fairey, Laity, Kootenay
- Ms. Dale Drozda, Youth, ACPI/Territory of the People
- Prolocutor: Ms. Cynthia Haines Turner, Laity, Western Newfoundland and Labrador
- Deputy Prolocutor: The Ven. Dr. Lynne McNaughton, Clergy, New Westminster
Anglican Military Ordinariate of Canada
- Lieutenant CMDR the Reverend Beverly Kean-Newhook, Clergy