Here are some links of interest. If you have any questions and suggestions, please contact me at

Our main page is There is a lot of information here, as the website has a lot of things on it. Some important areas on the website are the top bar. This bar is on the top of all pages on and acts as a type of site map you can access from each page. As well, there is a search function that you can use to find the pages or information to look for.

To get to the Indigenous Ministries page, you can go under Programs then click on Indigenous Ministries. This will take you to the Indigenous Ministries home page.

This page is broken into four main areas. I will walk you through each one They are:

  • Our Council— this section has information on ACIP, the background of Indigenous Ministries, and many of the foundation documents.
    • The ACIP page— This highlights ACIP including terms of reference and membership.
    • Foundational Documents— this is a list of many of your important documents, from the Covenant to Twenty Years after the Covenant.
  • Resources— This is where you can quickly find many resources produced by Indigenous Ministries:
  • About our work— Information about the work of the Indigenous Ministries department. Pages include:
  • Finally, on this page, there is a good history of the work of Indigenous Ministries from 1969 onwards.

Beyond Indigenous Ministries, there are a few pages you might find interesting:

Finally, there are a few Facebook pages/groups you might find interesting: