The Anglican Church of Canada works with partners across Canada and around the world to end human trafficking and modern slavery. Explore these partnerships below and find out how you can get involved.
For more information on our partners within Canada, contact Dr. Ryan Weston, Lead Animator, Public Witness for Social and Ecological Justice. For our global partners, contact Dr. Andrea Mann, Director, Global Relations.
National Full Communion and ecumenical partners
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
- Kairos Canada
- Canadian Council of Churches
- Collaborative Network to End Exploitation
- Women’s Inter-church Council
National civil-society partners
Anglican Communion
- International Anglican Women’s Network (IAWN)
- Church of England
- Council of Anglican Province of Africa (CAPA)
International Ecumenical partners
- Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants
- Churches Witnessing with Migrants
- World Council of Churches
Saying that human trafficking and migrant smuggling constitute modern-day slavery, the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches (WCC) urges its member churches to join this challenge, and inspired by the Gospel, to contribute to the awareness and prevention of human trafficking and migrant smuggling in each of our areas of mission.