Lessons & Carols: From Coast to Coast to Coast

The service of Lessons and Carols is one of the most widely-anticipated and well-known events during Advent. And yet, for the second Advent during the COVID-19 pandemic, many may not experience this event locally, due to public health restrictions and protocols.

The light shines on in the darkness.
—John 1:5

After a successful online national service of Lessons & Carols in 2020, General Synod is working again with Anglican churches across Canada to offer another national service of Lessons and Carols for this Advent season, to help us prepare for the coming of the Kingdom of God.

Lessons & Carols: From Coast to Coast to Coast

Watch on Facebook or Youtube.
Download the Order of Service.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact webhelp@national.anglican.ca.