Amazing Grace donations total over $73,000

This content was published more than 16 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

Canadian Anglicans have donated a whopping $73,000 to the Council of the North through the Amazing Grace Project. The project encouraged all to sing “Amazing Grace” on Nov. 23 and send in their filmed rendition to the national office, where they were included in a ten-minute compilation video. Each “Amazing Grace” singer was also encouraged to donate a toonie to support ministry in Canada’s northernmost dioceses.

Those toonies added up, and donations continue to pour in every day. “Given the fact that this was never designed primarily as a fundraising project, this is an incredible response,” said Vianney (Sam) Carriere, director of communications and information resources—the department that spearheaded the project.

The Council of the North meets in Edmonton in February and, among other things, will discuss how to use these funds. The council is comprised of nine dioceses, the Archdeaconry of Labrador, and the Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior. Many communities within this area are remote, and costs are high, particularly for travel.

Over one third of parishes in the Anglican Church of Canada participated in the Amazing Grace Project, either by sending in a video or money. To thank everyone for singing, General Synod contributed money to distribute a DVD of Amazing Together to all parishes that participated. Look out for yours soon, or watch online.

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