+ Andrew: Conversations with the Primate :Anglican primate’s webcast launched tomorrow

This content was published more than 20 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

Archbishop Andrew Hutchison, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, becomes the first Canadian national church leader to engage members of the church and the public in conversation through the internet tomorrow.

The first of regular segments entitled +Andrew: Conversations with the Primate will be posted to the Anglican church’s national web site www.anglican.ca.  It will be reachable from the web site’s home page and viewable with easily available software.  The webcast can also be downloaded and saved to CD for distribution.

The logo designed for the webcast features the primatial cross which is carried in front of the Canadian primate in formal ceremonies and Archbishop Hutchison’s signature.  The “+” sign in front of his name is the traditional signature used by archbishops and bishops.  Though the signature might informally be read as “Plus Andrew”, the more formal reading in this case would be “Archbishop Andrew”.

The webcast which will be posted tomorrow is approximately 12.5 minutes in length and features Archbishop Hutchison speaking from his office on what he considers to be his top priorities as he begins his primacy.  Viewers may respond to the Primate through e-mail by writing to Andrew@national.anglican.ca.

Archbishop Hutchison, former Bishop of Montreal and Archbishop of the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada, was elected Primate by the Anglican General Synod (the church’s highest governing and legislative body) meeting in St. Catharines, Ont., last June [2004].

Archbishop Hutchison hopes to tape segments for the web regularly at the rate of about one every three weeks.  Each web cast will be announced in advance.

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For more information, please contact:  Vianney (Sam) Carriere, Director of Communications, 416-924-9199 ext. 306, scarriere@national.anglican.ca  OR

Paul Feheley, Principal Secretary to the Primate, 416-924-9199 ext. 277, pfeheley@national.anglican.ca

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