Applications invited for regional gatherings

This content was published more than 9 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

Kamloops (BC)—Generous funding from the Diocese of Toronto provides for Regional gatherings where travel costs are high and local funds fall short. Through this gift to the Council of the North and Indigenous Ministries, Council of the North Members as well as more southern communities where there is a considerable Indigenous presence will be able to apply for funds.

These Regional gatherings will support the work of Indigenous and Non-Indigenous non-stipendiary priests, deacons, catechists and other recognized lay leaders in Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities. Gatherings will centre on the healing power of the Gospels and will be individually designed to suit the needs of the ministers in the area.

The National Working Group will evaluate each proposal based on how well it fits the mandate for the regional gatherings, the timing of the event, and the plans for reporting back to the wider church on the learning from the gathering.

Mandate for Regional Gatherings:

  • Drawing church leadership together for renewal and healing;
  • Focusing on those doing unpaid ministry – lay or ordained;
  • Encouraging youth to participate;
  • Focusing on renewal of local communities and emergence of new ministries;
  • Addressing the concerns and joys of the local church, honouring the traditions and culture of the particular regions;
  • Providing adequate time for rest and recreation, fellowship and fun during each event.

A two-step application process will include a one-page proposal, which, once approved, is to be followed by a full application.

Deadlines for proposals: June 1, 2015; September 15, 2015; March 15, 2016; September 15, 2016; March 15, 2017; and September 15, 2017. 

Download Application forms: or

Or contact:

The Regional Gathering National Working Group
c/o The Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior
360 Nicola St.
Kamloops, BC     V2C 2P5
Email Bishop Barbara Andrews: Phone: 778-471-5573

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