Archbishop of Canterbury’s World AIDS Day video

This content was published more than 16 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, has recorded a video message to mark the 20th annual World AIDS day on December 1, 2008. There are currently 30 million people worldwide living with HIV.

The video sees the Archbishop talk about the Church’s worldwide involvement in care and education surrounding HIV and AIDS, and calls for faith leaders to “encourage and support” what is being done by listening to those who work on the front lines. He says “Our hope and our prayer today is that the excellent work that’s done, not just in developing countries but here at home too by the Churches will continue and deepen and be strengthened by our prayer and our commitment.”

“Recognizing that people living with HIV is us not them, whether it’s leaders and congregations, congregations and ‘outsiders’—it’s us. It’s all of our business…Church leaders and Church congregations taking responsibility for educating the wider public.”

Prayer for World AIDS day

Pray for greater awareness of HIV and AIDS,
For greater dignity and rights of people living with HIV and AIDS,
For more compassion and care,
For the rejection of discrimination and stigmatization,
For wider prevention activities that address root causes of vulnerability,
For efficient mobilization of resources and treatments,
For increased access to treatments and care,
For support for those left behind to grieve the loss of their loved ones,
For trust and hope in our God.
Lord hear our prayer.

(Taken from: The Mothers’ Union, Living Positively, “Prayers and Reflections”)

Learn about Anglican HIV/AIDS work:
The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (Canada)
Episcopal Relief and Development (USA)
AngliCORD (Australia)
Anglican AIDS (Church of Southern Africa)

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