Bishop of Toronto responds to murder

This content was published more than 22 years ago. Some information may no longer be current or accurate.


The Most Reverend Terence Finlay, Anglican Archbishop of Toronto, expressed his shock and horror at the tragic murder last night of David Rosenzweig. The unprovoked attack on the distinctively dressed Hasidic Jew, who was helping his son whose car broke down, has been labeled as a hate crime.

Archbishop Finlay said, ?I extend my prayers and heartfelt sympathy to the Rosenzweig family on the loss of their husband and father. The death of any person brings much sadness and pain. But even more so when it has resulted from such a senseless act of violence. Hatred has absolutely no place in our understanding of God?s purposes for our world.?

?I share with my Jewish brothers and sisters common ancestry from the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. As a Christian, I am commanded to love my neighbour as myself, teaching that derives from the Torah. I believe that all acts prompted by hate, whether defacing of property, bullying or taunting individuals or groups or, ultimately, the murder of a human being, are completely contrary to the teaching of Jesus Christ. Each of us has a part to play to put a stop to such evil.?

The Anglican Diocese of Toronto has been a founding partner in Christian-Jewish Dialogue in Toronto and an active participant in building ecumenical and interfaith relationships with other faith communities.

For further information, contact:

Archdeacon Colin R. Johnson
Executive Assistant to the Archbishop of Toronto,
135 Adelaide Street, East,
Toronto, ON M5C 1L8
(416) 363-6021 ext. 214
(416) 363-3683 fax

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