The following is a Bishop’s Message from the Territory of the People’s Territory Bulletin published April 30, 2020.
At the Coordinating Council meeting on April 18, a motion was passed requesting Archbishop Melissa Skelton to appoint our Bishop Elect Lincoln as Administrator. The Archbishop has done that and effective May 1, 2020, The Rev Lincoln Mckoen will become the Administrator of the Territory of the People. It is the Archbishop and Bishop Elect’s desire that a date for his consecration as Bishop can and will take place just as soon as we have the go ahead from the Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, advising us we can once again open our churches and gather again in larger groups.
You can be in touch with Bishop Elect Lincoln at the email address beginning on May1, 2020.
The bishop’s computer and all files will be turned over to the Bishop Elect and he will have access to the office staff, leadership teams, files, and will be replying to all requests from the Territory and wider church.
It is with a heart full of gratitude for the many kind words, cards, letters, emails and all the many ways you have shown your delight at my transition into retirement. I know there are things I have left undone, but I also know the Territory has a strong team of leaders who will pick up and carry on the mission God has given to us with Bishop Elect Lincoln.
I’ve been blessed to have worked with a strong team of clergy – each one I have served with has been a blessing to me. Equal to the strong team of clergy is an awesome group of talented Pastoral Elders and lay leaders throughout the Territory who give so much of themselves to carry out God’s mission around the Territory for the benefit of not only the local church but the whole Territory and wider church. The Territory staff have been an outstanding team who have worked faithfully for the betterment of the whole Territory. Thank you for your loving support and friendship to me and my family over the years.
As I move into retirement, “I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” (Phil 1:3-5)
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