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Call for applications: Liturgical Advisory Committee

Applications are sought for members of the Liturgical Advisory Committee of Faith, Worship, and Ministry (FWM). This is a new committee established by FWM to provide leadership in the national work of liturgical development.

Mandate: The Liturgical Advisory Committee (LAC) will serve in an advisory capacity, reporting to the FWM Committee. The LAC is intended to work with staff to discern priorities, develop the overarching frameworks for liturgical revision and new writing, recommend particular projects and task forces to the FWM committee, and to oversee and give guidance to that work. It may also serve in a consultative role in relation to liturgical publications and other communications elements related to liturgy and worship.

Meetings: One in person meeting per General Synod triennium; Quarterly meetings by videoconference.

Membership: The membership shall reflect the necessary skills, wisdom, and diversity of cultures, vocations, social locations and leadership roles in the church needed for the work. Care will be taken to reflect gender, racial, cultural, and social diversities, as well as theological and liturgical place within the church. Applicants are to be regular communicant members of The Anglican Church of Canada.

Term of appointment: 6 years term, renewable for a second term of three years

Appointments process: Following formal and informal avenues of invitation and a public call for applications, the FWM committee will appoint the membership of the committee.

Closing date for applications: Monday, April 3, 2023

To Apply:

Applicants are asked to submit a personal letter-essay – as a Word or PDF attachment to an email – to Eileen Scully ( or to 80 Hayden Street, Toronto, M4Y 3G2. Applicants are invited to respond to the following:

  1. Provide your Name, Contact Information, Diocese, and Order (laity, deacon, bishop, priest).
  2. Please write answers to the following questions (no more than 800 words total):
    1. What do you treasure most about your own liturgical-theological formation as an Anglican Christian?
      -what do you bring to this work from how you have been formed?
    2. How do you relate to the expression that ours is a “common prayer tradition”? What does the “common” mean for you?
    3. What do you bring to this work from your social location and perspective in the church – particular experiences in ministry, who you are and where you live and witness, etc..
  3. Describe any particularly well developed liturgical skills that you bring to the work (writing, educating, translating, lectionary issues, deeply interested in calendar matters, etc.).
  4. Provide the name and contact information for one reference who can speak to your suitability for this work and is willing to be contacted by FWM.

Full terms of reference are available on request. For that and for further information, contact; 416-924-9199 x286.

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