This month marks the 125th anniversary of the formation of the General Synod of our beloved Church. It was a coming together of dioceses across Canada in the spirit of partnership in God’s mission in Christ.
The first new graduating class of the Arthur Turner Training School (ATTS) is ready to begin its ministry. Since the Iqaluit-based school—located in the Diocese of the Arctic—reopened its doors in 2016, this class of ministers has been highly anticipated by both the diocese and their communities. This is partly because each of the new … Continued
First published in 2016, The Church as a Volunteer Organization: Common Sense Approaches to Creating Structure is a small book that has had a big effect on at least one influential reader. The book was written by Mary L. (Bunny) Stewart, a life-promised oblate of the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine and a former … Continued
“Constancy” is defined as both the quality of being faithful and dependable, and of being unwavering and unchanging. After nearly a decade’s worth of meetings, all of these qualities have come to accurately summarize the annual Consultation of Anglican Bishops in Dialogue. The ninth Consultation of Anglican Bishops took place from July 18-22 in London, … Continued
An informal lunch meeting during the Road to Warm Springs National Church Gathering in Pinawa, Manitoba, has paved the way for a web development partnership model between the General Synod’s Communications Department and Anglican dioceses across Canada. Bishop Bruce Myers of Quebec was chatting with Meghan Kilty, Director of Communications and Information Resources for the … Continued
On the morning of Friday, August 10, we pondered what it meant to be a disciple of Christ. By the end of the day we saw what it meant through the example of our fellow church members. The Ninth Indigenous Anglican Sacred Circle opened with an opening Eucharist where Primate Fred Hiltz preached and looked … Continued
The morning of Thursday, Aug. 9 began with another round of gospel-based discipleship, a practice I have come to appreciate more and more at the Ninth Indigenous Anglican Sacred Circle. In plenary the previous day, National Indigenous Anglican Bishop Mark MacDonald described the growing spiritual support that GBD has come to provide many Indigenous communities, … Continued
As the Ninth Indigenous Anglican Sacred Circle entered its second full day, the universal nature of Jesus’s message, and its connection to global struggles for justice encompassing those of Indigenous Peoples in Canada surrounded our day. The gospel-based discipleship reading for the morning of Wednesday, Aug. 8 was Matthew 15:21-28, the faith of a Canaanite … Continued
In order to pass the torch, one must first light the fire. The Ninth Indigenous Anglican Sacred Circle began, as had many of its predecessors, with the lighting of the Sacred Fire. As the sun dawned over the University of North British Columbia campus in Prince George, B.C., delegates gathered in the cool morning air … Continued
On Aug. 6-11, the Ninth Indigenous Anglican Sacred Circle will take place at the University of Northern British Columbia campus in Prince George, B.C. The latest gathering of the national decision-making body of Indigenous Anglicans will mark another step forward in the journey towards a self-determining Indigenous church within the Anglican Church of Canada. The … Continued
July 22 traditionally marks the feast day of St. Mary Magdalene, observed by Anglicans as well as Lutheran, Roman Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox churches. In 2018, Mary’s feast day falls on Monday, July 23. The date transfer reflects the custom that feasts celebrating saints cannot take the place of a Sunday liturgy, unless that saint … Continued
A feature-length video documenting the eighth national Anglican Indigenous Sacred Circle is now available online in Oji-Cree. The translation marks the first time that a Sacred Circle video has been translated in its entirety into an Indigenous language. Though translators have been onsite during previous Sacred Circles, the translation of the 2015 Sacred Circle—which took … Continued
In the beginning was the Word. Then there was the Music. Bound to the Word is an innovative experiment within the Anglican Church of Canada that made its debut last Advent in the Diocese of Huron. It is a “call-and-response” style of worship that brings together spoken homilies and musical accompaniment. Now its chief architect, … Continued
The elimination of poverty is a bold goal, but it is the driving force behind every act of the Religious Social Action Coalition in Newfoundland (RSACNL). An alliance of faith organizations based primarily in Greater St. John’s and the Avalon Peninsula, the RSACNL seeks to achieve a living wage for workers and the adoption by … Continued
One year from today, Anglicans from across the country will pour into Vancouver, B.C. for the 42nd General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada. Led by the General Synod Planning Committee, preparations are well underway for the gathering, which will take place from July 10-16, 2019 at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre. For those … Continued