Regional stewardship gatherings anchor giving in the gospel

Mention the word “stewardship” and the first thoughts that come to mind for many Christians may be raising money, or effectively managing the resources of a church or parish. For Wendy Fletcher, president and vice-chancellor of Renison University College at the University of Waterloo, stewardship is a core element of Christian identity and its relationship … Continued

B.C. parishes grapple with wildfire aftermath

The following is the conclusion of a two-part story detailing the experience and aftermath of the B.C. summer wildfires from an Anglican perspective. Read Part 1. Though the height of the summer wildfire season in British Columbia may have passed, the efforts of communities to rebuild in its wake remain ongoing. Anglicans residing within the … Continued

‘A holy time, a very hopeful time’: National consultation bolsters emerging Indigenous church

The Road to Warm Springs, the National Consultation on Indigenous Self-Determination that took place from Sept. 15-17 in Pinawa, Manitoba, was another historic milestone in the journey towards a truly Indigenous church as part of the Anglican Church of Canada. For Archbishop and Primate Fred Hiltz, the consultation was the latest step in an ongoing, … Continued

Recalling summer’s wildfire exodus in the Territory of the People

The following is the first instalment of a two-part story detailing the experience and aftermath of the B.C. summer wildfires from an Anglican perspective. Visit the Anglican Church of Canada website later this week for the conclusion. This summer’s wildfire season was the worst-ever recorded in British Columbia’s history. Tens of thousands of people were … Continued

CAPA trip alters preconceptions of Canadian church

Two representatives from the Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa (CAPA), general secretary Canon Grace Kaiso and communications and finance director Elizabeth Wanjiku Gichovi, spent the latter half of September on a multi-city tour meeting members of the Anglican Church of Canada. Their two-week trip took them to the dioceses of Niagara, Edmonton, Qu’appelle, Rupert’s … Continued

Human Trafficking Reference Group gathers preliminary information

A meeting of a national Human Trafficking Reference Group took place on Sept. 25-26 at the offices of the General Synod in Toronto, deepening the commitment and action of the Anglican Church of Canada to support the eradication of human trafficking. Seven Anglicans made up the reference group, which included representatives for each of the … Continued

Youth Secretariat charts new way forward

The appointment of Sheilagh McGlynn as youth animator for the Anglican Church of Canada marks a new chapter in the church’s future in youth ministry—the earliest effects of which may be felt in the national Youth Secretariat. Established at the 2010 General Synod in Halifax, the Youth Secretariat brings together a group of representatives from … Continued

Anglican Indigenous Network finds resilience in shared struggles at international conference

Indigenous Anglicans from around the world recently met in southern Ontario to discuss issues affecting Indigenous people within and across national (political) borders. Climate change and intergenerational trauma were two of the main issues that came under discussion, as well as the shared striving towards self-determination for Indigenous peoples. The conference of the Anglican Indigenous … Continued

10th Anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Canada needs a legislative framework to fulfill the promise of this vital human rights instrument

The Anglican Church of Canada is a member of KAIROS, which has endorsed the following statement in recognition of one decade since the signing of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Our church is fully committed to implementing the UN Declaration with the help of the Vision Keepers Council, established by … Continued