General Synod appoints youth animator

The General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada has appointed Sheilagh McGlynn as its youth animator, signifying a new stage in the church’s ongoing commitment to youth and young adult ministry. McGlynn is currently the facilitator for the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund, and has a long history in youth ministry. She … Continued

Highlights from the Council of General Synod: June 23, 2017

View a PDF version of Highlights from the Council of General Synod: June 23, 2017. Council members gathered after breakfast at 8:45 a.m. at the Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre in Mississauga. Opening Eucharist Bishop Larry Robertson presided at the Eucharist that opened the council meeting. Welcome and Opening Formalities Archbishop Fred Hiltz, Primate of … Continued

The present and future of locally trained ministry in the Anglican Church of Canada

The following is the second instalment of a two-part article on locally trained ministry within the Anglican Church of Canada. Read Part 1. Different models for locally trained ministry apply in different dioceses and communities of the Anglican Church of Canada. In general, local training involves a regionally-based program that candidates for ministry can participate … Continued

Locally trained ministry a rising force in rural and northern dioceses

The following is the first instalment of a two-part article on locally trained ministry within the Anglican Church of Canada. Read Part 2. On March 17 the Territory of the People, formerly known as the Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior, ordained its first two locally trained priests. Having each previously served for one year … Continued

Preparing for the National Aboriginal Day of Prayer

Since May 31, the Anglican Church of Canada has been engaged in 22 Days of Healing and Reconciliation, deepening learning, prayer and action focused on the Anglican Healing Fund. The church across Canada has focused on the Fund’s commitment to healing and support for community-based Indigenous language recovery projects, a period that will culminate with … Continued

ACIP to the Anglican Church: Pray for Tataskweyak Cree Nation

The Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples (ACIP) is calling on the Anglican Church of Canada to pray for the community of Split Lake, Man. and the Tataskweyak Cree Nation, as flooding threatens the homes of residents and risks contaminating local drinking water. On May 18, a band council resolution passed by the chief and council … Continued

Mentor-Apprentice Program keeps Indigenous languages alive

More than 34 First Nations languages and 61 dialects are spoken in British Columbia, a figure that represents 60 per cent of all First Nations languages in Canada. But where languages such as Cree and Ojibwe count tens of thousands of speakers across wide swathes of the country, many of the unique languages in B.C. … Continued

Alpha course proves ‘gospel communication tool’ in Toronto

The following is the second instalment of a two-part article detailing experiences of the Alpha course in the Anglican Church of Canada. Read Part 1. Alpha Canada national director Shaila Visser estimated that in 2016, there were 3,800 Alpha courses being run across Canada in more than 1,750 churches, including both youth and adult courses. … Continued