Ontario diocese boosts ministry in Mohawk territory

Deepening its ties with the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, the Anglican Diocese of Ontario has allocated funds from its Anglican Church of Canada Resolution Corporation (ACCRC) return to support local First Nations art and culture as well as ministry in the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. Drawing upon its approximately $115,000 return to promote ministry … Continued

The Book of Common Prayer in worship today

Despite being supplanted in many churches by the Book of Alternative Services, the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) remains the definitive prayer book for a great number of Canadian Anglicans. Far from being a mere textual reference for prayer and liturgy, the BCP, according to Trinity College assistant divinity professor Dr. Jesse Billett, represents a … Continued

The historic heritage of the Book of Common Prayer

To fully appreciate the impact of the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) on Anglican thought and worship, one must first understand the sixteenth century world from which it emerged. For Anglican scholars and academics, careful study of the origins and evolution of the BCP reveal a text that evoked early Christian worship and drew upon … Continued

Volunteers and the future of prison ministry

The following is the fifth and final instalment of a multi-part series detailing the work of Anglicans involved in prison ministry. Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4. In the face of budget cuts to the federal correctional system, many chaplains increasingly work on a volunteer basis. The Rev. Tim Smart, for instance, a … Continued

‘With sympathy and solidarity with Sainte-Foy’

In a mosque in Ste-Foy in the City of Québec full of devout Muslims gathered for Evening Prayer, their chanting was shattered by the crack of gunfire, leaving six people dead, scores of others injured, a neighbourhood traumatized, and a nation horrified. My heart, indeed the hearts of all people of good will, goes out … Continued

Bursaries aid Indigenous Anglican theology students

Two Anglican theology students have received major boosts towards completing their education and providing spiritual guidance to Indigenous communities, thanks to a generous donation from the Diocese of Western Newfoundland. The diocese received a return from its portion of the Residential School Settlement Fund amounting to more than $37,000 and chose to use the money … Continued

Prison chaplain shares Inuit experience

The following is the fourth instalment of a multi-part series detailing the work of Anglicans involved in prison ministry. Read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Visit the Anglican Church of Canada website next week for the final instalment. Before taking on her current role as priest associate at St. Thomas’ Anglican Church in … Continued

Remand centre chaplains offer guidance in stressful times

The following is the third instalment of a multi-part series detailing the work of Anglicans involved in prison ministry. Read Part 1 and Part 2. Visit the Anglican Church of Canada website later this month for future instalments. Inmates at the Edmonton Remand Centre represent a group in transition—either those awaiting trial if not granted … Continued

Changing conditions impact federal prison chaplains

The following is the second instalment of a multi-part series detailing the work of Anglicans involved in prison ministry. Read Part 1 here. Visit the Anglican Church of Canada website later this month for future instalments. Ministry in the federal correctional system has undergone numerous changes in recent years that have posed challenges to chaplains. … Continued

Finding Christ in prison

The following is the first instalment of a multi-part series detailing the work of Anglicans involved in prison ministry. Visit the Anglican Church of Canada website in the coming weeks for future instalments. Anglicans serving as prison chaplains at federal and provincial institutions have seen a multitude of changes impacting their work in recent years. … Continued

Congregational development: Managing change

The following is part of an ongoing monthly series on congregational development, which features reflections from Anglicans on how they are responding to the challenges facing churches today. In a constantly changing world, the basic premise of congregational development today remains largely unchanged, according to the Rev. Lynn Uzans. For Uzans—currently serving as transition minister … Continued