In-person youth gathering “reignited” following five-year disruption

For the first time in five years, Anglican and Lutheran youth and leaders from across Canada met in person yesterday in Waterloo, Ontario, for the start of Canadian Lutheran Anglican Gathering (CLAY). Typically, CLAY gatherings take place biennially. However, the last in-person gathering of CLAY was in 2018 in Thunder Bay, Ontario; the COVID-19 pandemic delayed CLAY in 2020, ultimately causing the gathering to take place online in 2021.

Primate opens 43rd General Synod with focus on diversity and transformation

Archbishop Linda Nicholls, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, opened the 43rd Session of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada today in Calgary, Alberta.

In her primatial address, Archbishop Nicholls referred to the Anglican community as a diverse gathering of individuals with varying backgrounds and experiences—from Indigenous people to descendants of early settlers to relative newcomers, the Church is “dispersed in a wide array of settings and circumstances, urban, suburban, rural and isolated, from coast to coast to coast”.

Member churches across Anglican Communion commit to work together to tackle human trafficking

Primates and representatives from across the Anglican Communion travelled to Tanzania for the United Society Partners in the Gospel’s International Consultation on the global issue of Human Trafficking. As a message of intent from the consultation and to ensure continuing momentum in this field of work, those present ended their time together with signing a Communique.