Mutual learning thrives at Vital and Healthy Parishes consultation

The third annual Vital and Healthy Parishes consultation saw a record turnout, as 79 Anglican and Lutheran church leaders gathered at the Canadian Mennonite University in Winnipeg from June 6-8 for discussion on how to build strong missional congregations. The Rev. Dr. Eileen Scully, director of Faith, Worship, and Ministry and a key organizer, described … Continued

‘Let us be gentle and then let us be bold’

As I have been travelling over the last number of days, I have watched – horrified – as once again the people of the United States of America are plunged into national mourning in the wake of yet another mass shooting. This time in the early morning hours of Sunday, the 12th of June, a … Continued

Photo: Shutterstock

Resource offers pastoral approaches to physician assisted dying

Eighteen years after the release of Care in Dying, a document produced by the Anglican Church of Canada which sought to provide a theological perspective on physician assisted dying, and 16 months after the Supreme Court of Canada struck down its previous ban on the practice, the church has released a new resource reflecting the … Continued

General Synod greener, more accessible with new app

The 41st General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada will be the most accessible and environmentally friendly yet, thanks to a specially designed web and mobile app that will connect delegates to each other while offering a window into the proceedings for Anglicans across Canada and the general public. All delegates will be provided … Continued

Church calendar shifts to missional focus

The Canadian Church Calendar published annually by the Anglican Church of Canada will take a new direction in 2017, bringing aboard a full communion partner in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) and changing focus from church buildings to church ministry and engagement in God’s mission. Praising the legacy of the buildings bequeathed to … Continued

Congregational development: ‘Being the people God calls us to be’

The following is part of an ongoing monthly series on congregational development, which features reflections from Anglicans on how they are responding to the challenges facing churches today. For Anglicans concerned about how to develop and grow their congregations, the Rev. Christopher Page has a simple suggestion on where to begin. “I think the first … Continued

Justice Camp 2016: Final days and reflections

The following marks the fifth and final instalment of our report on Justice Camp 2016. Read parts one, two, three, and four. Back at the Matanzas Retreat Centre, Canadian and Cuban participants assembled for morning prayer on Friday, May 6, the last full day of Justice Camp. After breakfast, they split into groups for a series of … Continued

Social engagement shares Cuban perspectives

The following marks the fourth instalment of our report on Justice Camp 2016. Read parts one, two, and three. The resort town of Varadero leaves a different impression than most cities in Cuba. Dominated by hotels, shops, and restaurants, its raison d’être is catering to the tourists who contribute valuable income to the island nation’s economy. Among the … Continued

Working for economic justice in Havana

The following marks the third instalment of our report on Justice Camp 2016. Read parts one and two. I soaked in the sights of Havana as the Anglican Video crew and I drove to meet the Justice Camp economic justice immersion group on the morning of Wednesday, May 4. One of the most distinguishing features of Cuba is the almost total … Continued

Cuban church farm bolsters food security

The following marks the second instalment of our report on Justice Camp 2016. Read part one. I set out with the Anglican Video crew from Matanzas at the crack of dawn. Riding shotgun in the van, I was exhausted. Having failed to sleep at all the previous night due to constant crowing from the retreat centre rooster, I used … Continued

Justice Camp 2016: Exploring the common good

Our plane touched down in Varadero, Cuba in the early afternoon of Saturday, April 30. Stepping outside after passing through security, Canadian Anglicans gathered in front of a sign made by our Cuban counterparts welcoming us to the first international Justice Camp. We drove a half-hour to the city of Matanzas aboard a school bus … Continued

Arctic diocese set to re-open training school

After nearly a decade interval, the Arthur Turner Training School (ATTS) will open its doors again this fall, spearheading diocesan education across the Arctic from its new location at St. Jude’s Cathedral in Iqaluit. Re-opening the school has long been a priority for the Anglican diocese of the Arctic, with the Rt. Rev. Darren McCartney, … Continued

Jerusalem Sunday and the ties that bind

For the Rev. Canon Richard LeSueur, the meaning of Jerusalem Sunday was encapsulated in a letter he received from Archbishop Michael Peers, then-Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, while living in Jerusalem during the First Intifada. “We would go to bed at night and we would hear gunfire echoing off the Mount of Olives,” … Continued